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2C-E & Cannabis
Citation:   Tripping_2_Orbital. "Freakouts: An Experience with 2C-E & Cannabis (exp30256)". Feb 2, 2004.

20 mg oral 2C-E
A Little about me: I am a very experienced tripper, my favorite substances include 5-MeO-AMT, 5-MeO-DMT, Shrooms, and Mescaline. I am a heavy hitter in all the drugs I do, my average dose for 5-MeO-DMT is around 20-25mg, and my 5-MeO-AMT doses are usually in the 20-30mg range (If you check the doses of those, that’s really high). Usually how I decide how much I’m going to take my first time, I usually pick the lowest dose in the “heavy” range, because under that I don’t really feel anything. I didn’t feel anything from AMT until I got into the 60-70mg range.

The event:

00:00 – 3:30. My wife and I have done quite a few tryptamines, but we’ve never tried the other side of the drugs, the Phenethylamines. So I did a lot of researching online for the chemicals that are supposed to be the more interesting. Fate would have it that I came across a chemical supplier that had 2cE for sale and I read up it and it seemed like an interesting substance. I bought us 100mg and I divided it up and put it into jell-caps with 10mg in each cap. The day of the trip we hardly ate anything, and we hadn’t eaten for at least 5 hours before we took it. My wife took 10mg and I took 20mg. My wife started feeling it first as I am really tolerant to drugs, so it takes a while before I start to feel them. She started talking about the colors she was seeing and began giggling uncontrollably. She was laughing harder than a person on lots of mushrooms and lots of MDMA, she was even laughing so hard that when she threw up (she got motion sickness from the visuals), she was still laughing between pukes.

When I started to feel it, the initial effect was that every corner of everything was rainbows. It was like the line of the edge was a light through a prism. Then everything started shifting and breathing. My wife was getting really weird visuals, she was watching things grow old and then young, they were constantly shifting from one to the other, with startling realism. About this time I started seeing everything start shifting colors and I was seeing Arabic writing all over everything, and the writing was projecting rainbows from it. Things were very rapidly getting more intense, already harder than anything I had ever done before. Plus things were mentally building.

3:30 – 5:00. Things were becoming very scary… I had moved past the part of visual distortions into all out hallucinations. I have some purple and black tiger striped blankets and the black stripes started lifting up out of the blanket forming into this huge corral reef, which then started getting neon green and yellow fish swimming through the air around it. I have a poster that has a picture of John Lennon, Jim Morrison, and Jimmy Hendrix’s faces on it over a picture of the night sky. The stars lifted off the picture about and inch or two and they started flowing around like white dust in a tub of water. These are some of the last things I can remember for a while, next thing I knew I was laying on my back on my bed, and my wife was leaning over me calling my name and looking terrified to say the least. I managed to get out some words to her and she started talking to me about what I’d been doing.

I guess for the last hour or so I had been seriously gone, I had absolutely no short term memory; I would forget everything that had just happened as soon as something new would happen. I would be completely lost about what I was talking about, I would forget what I was talking about by the time I was halfway through a sentence. I had no idea who I was, where I was, anything. And it was like I was mentally like a scratched CD, I was constantly repeating things, not just word but actions. And it wasn’t that they were similar, they were exactly the same. After I had come somewhat back to reality and my wife had told me about everything I’d been doing, things became very scary. Because now I was conscious of what I was seeing, it was far worse than before. Everything was morphing into something else. I was seeing patterns flexing everywhere, like spiral fractals forming all over the walls that would get into really tight spirals, then loosen into strait squares, which would tighten up into new spirals, with new colors. I saw my wife’s skin turn purple then chrome, and then colors turned negative and started switching around.

Floating around the room, about half way between the floor and the ceiling was this huge, flat pool of liquid metal. It was flying and rolling around, the metal would divide into smaller pools of itself, and these would roll around through the air like water on a windshield, moving, collecting, dividing, etc… In the surface of this anomaly I was seeing brilliant colors that were swirling around, like an oily puddle. Also there was this ear piercingly loud roar coming from this thing, like rolling thunder that never ends. Then I started loosing grips on my surroundings, one second I would be lying on my bed looking at my wife’s face, then I would be somewhere else. Things would dissolve away, like a sped up view of snow melting, then they would spring out of nowhere and I’d be somewhere else. After a while I was starting to calm down and I thought that was snapping out of it, but then everything would come back full force.

After a while I somewhat came out of it, I was back in my room, my wife was watching over me (she had given up on trying to talk to me) and I could start to retain memories, like I could follow a few sentences. My wife was on her phone talking to one of our friends who is also an experienced drug user, getting info on what to do and look for. I started listening to her conversation and I couldn’t follow it at all, but it helped me to collect back together, I was starting to be able to understand sentences and interpret what was being said. At some point the phone was handed to me to talk to our friend, but I couldn’t interpret anything that was being said, so I gave it back.

5:00-8:00. Things started to calm down a bit; I was still hallucinating to the point of seeing things that weren’t there. And some point during the night I started perceiving colors that are not in our color spectrum, new colors that I have never seen and could never be made by our colors. After a while I moved back from the total hallucinations to visual distortions. Colors were still shifting around, the walls were breathing very hard, and I was seeing patterns on everything. My wife started to freak out a little, but she was easy to bring back and she was a lot closer to base line than I was. The two of us started talking and just touching each other, like rubbing our feet up and down each others legs while we were laying on each other. Neither of us were in any condition for sex, although that would have been quite an experience. We stayed up for a number of hours after this just rubbing against each other and talking about the night and what we were still seeing and analyzing things.

We eventually passed out, still tripping pretty hard. Normally I can’t sleep at all after tripping, like after a 5-MeO-AMT trip, which are for me usually about 15 hours, I have to take 4 extra strength sleeping pills to put me down. When I woke up thing morning, I felt normal, a tiny, tiny little headache in the back of my head, that was so small I barley even noticed its existence.

All in all, I thought I was a fun time, but I could have easily been very seriously damaged. I’ll never make the mistake of starting on large amounts again. I think the only reason I came out ok, was that I had my wife taking care of me. HAVE A SITTER!!!!! If she hadn’t been watching over me, I could have easily ended up walking around on the highway down the road from me, or lying on my floor frying my brains out. Also on 2cE a lot of the time I freaking out, I was sweating really bad, but I was cold to the touch, this isn’t good at all. Make sure you have people that know how to take care of people.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30256
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2004Views: 16,721
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2C-E (137) : Difficult Experiences (5), Guides / Sitters (39), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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