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A Nice Relaxing Buzz
Citation:   Istari. "A Nice Relaxing Buzz: An Experience with Damiana (exp30269)". Apr 21, 2006.

1 bowl smoked Damiana (dried)
  1 cup oral Damiana (tea)
I went to a local health food store and found a large jar containing lots of the stuff.. It was 16.99/pound, and so I grabbed a bag and proceeded to fill it up. I ended up with what looked like around half an ounce - quite a bit. Anyways, it ended up costing fifty cents.. so far I'm loving it just for the price. Also, the stuff seemed pretty fresh. I don't know if thats been part of the problem for other people who have tried it and havent felt anything.

The stuff looks *quite* a bit like weed, only its all broken up - like the shake at the bottom of a bag of weed, and its also got a few long stems. I tried chewing on a little bit of it and it tasted pretty flowerish and sweet. There is no real distinct smell to it.

Anyways, I got home and packed a very large bowl in a handpipe and proceeded to smoke it. The smoke was very harsh and it was hard to hold it in my lungs for very long, but I managed to get through the bowl just fine. After even the second hit I could start to feel a heady buzz coming on - VERY much like the onset of a marijuana high. By the end of the bowl my body was feeling distinctly different. Its hard to explain - but I just felt relaxed all over - and this was without a doubt caused by the damiana, it was *way* too noticeable to be a placebo effect.

Most of all, my head was feeling quite buzzed. Not like being high, but very tingly and relaxed. I sat down at my computer and listened to some music, and it definitly sounded better than it typically does, very enjoyable and smooth.

I then proceeded to go downstairs to make a cup of tea with the stuff - I mixed some chamonmile in with a little over a teaspoon of damiana. The tea tasted pretty good, and I drank it pretty quickly. I could feel the effects intensify as I got towards the end of the tea. Just to be clear though - the effects of this drug were definitly noticed, and it felt good, but it was nowhere close to being high at all, rather just a very mild head buzz that was enjoyable.

After downing the tea I went downstairs and chatted with my mom for a bit. I had no problems whatsoever interacting with her and I felt fine the whole time. I also noticed after looking in a mirror that my eyes looked normal - no redness or anything.

All in all, it was an enjoyable experience and I plan on giving it a try again sometime soon. I was a bit dismayed to notice that pretty much all of the noticeable effects of the drug were gone whenever I would start moving around or walking.. they were only felt when I was sitting in one place not doing any significant movement. But if I decide to get into smoking this stuff on a semi frequent basis, I'm definitly going to need a water bong - the smoke is too harsh otherwise.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30269
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 21, 2006Views: 25,542
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Damiana (107) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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