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Twilight Dreaming
Valerian, Vitamin B-6, Tyrosine, St. John's Wort, GABA & Tryptophan
Citation:   Zeotti. "Twilight Dreaming: An Experience with Valerian, Vitamin B-6, Tyrosine, St. John's Wort, GABA & Tryptophan (exp30271)". Apr 19, 2006.

900 mg oral Valerian
  900 mg oral St. John's Wort
  150 mg oral Tryptophan
    oral Vitamin B-6
    oral Tyrosine
    oral GABA
My dreams are extremely surreal, bright, and vivid. Most of the time they are about completely random things, but in every single one there's a goal or I'm determined to follow something. I wake up slightly and look around, I don't know if its part of my dream. This happens in and out in between my many dreams.

Almost like I'm semi-conscious, then I go back to sleep. I have a presence that I'm asleep, and my body knows that I'm dreaming but my mind is deeply involved in the dreams. Whenever I wake up in the middle of the night during that time and actually stay conscious, I realize its a dream and my stresses are completely gone. Then I go back to sleep.

It's almost as if my dreams present me with scenarios that are bright but something goes wrong, but I have two lives to worry about. My present one, and my in-dream scenario. Then when I wake up I forget about the in-dream scenario and realize that my present life isn't stressful at all and it's easy to handle.

These dreams are therapudic for me because it makes it seem like the dreams are things that are real things, but when I escape them I get a huge sigh of relief.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30271
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 19, 2006Views: 32,709
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Valerian (48), Vitamin B-6 (160), Tyrosine (363), St. John's Wort (142), GABA (362), Tryptophan (138) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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