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A Freaking Mind-Job!
5-MeO-DMT & Tobacco
by lump
Citation:   lump. "A Freaking Mind-Job!: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT & Tobacco (exp30534)". Aug 23, 2004.

12 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
    smoked Tobacco (dried)
Well, I have tried a few different things in my time, but all I am left to say about this 5-MeO-DMT is 'wow'. A friend of mine and I ordered 500 mgs of the substance off a given supplier, and after breaking it all down into circa 10 mg piles, it was time to experience this new-found wonder. My friend, lets call K, takes the first trial (a couple days before me may I add), and I was well-informed on the effects of the substance. No matter how informed I was though, no stories can give a feel to the actual thing. K was available via AIM, and my other friend, lets dub E, was with me as a babysitter. After taking the tips from K, I was ready to go on my journey.

I took my seat in my 'trippy room' and laid the fire upon the spooky chemical. i took my hit with the tobacco (to avoid sucking the chemical thru, and E took the pipe away from me. I laid back, and took a good long look at the lighten alien head while I exhaled. Then I felt it coming up, like a stalker coming up behind you, but not being able to do a thing about it. This stalker within my mind then grabbed my head and shook it, viciously, this would defenitely be the effects of the substance that would leave a bad taste in its victim's mouth. My first impression was 'This is FAR too much for me! I dont like this one bit!', but then I simply relaxed and reminded myself, this will not kill you. Even after reminding myself this, I still felt rather overwhelmed, then E leaned in thru the curtain and handed me a bowl for vomit, but there was no need for it. After a few more moments of this 'mental rape' and staring mindlessly at spectrum posters and black lights, I began to enjoy this feeling. I uttered the words 'E, im going to try to walk, I hope I dont die', I stood up and grasped my balance, then wandered into the next room.

E was there online with K, but I was in no mood to sit down and chat, I was going to enjoy my buzz! I simply stood there in awe of my room, then gathered the attention to have a little chat with K. As I chatted, I could feel the effect decending and decided 'This isn't so bad!' This was my first experience with the drug, but I do not believe it will be my last. Always have somebody else with you, and happy experiences voyagers!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30534
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 23, 2004Views: 8,468
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