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Relaxation Without Anything Extra
Citation:   Kimberly. "Relaxation Without Anything Extra: An Experience with Skullcap (exp30686)". Feb 24, 2007.

1 cig. smoked Skullcap (plant material)
I smoke skullcap to relax. I've smoked marajuana in the past - but wow. It gives me cotton mouth and the munchies and I don't really like that about it. Skullcap has the same relaxing effect without the dry mouth, hunger (not to mention uncontrollable giggles! ;) ), and sleepiness. It's just a pure relaxed feeling without anything extra. If you want to get 'stoned out of your mind' then I would suggest something else. I would definitely say that for the amount I smoke, the relaxing effect is the same as with the marajuana I've smoked.

Notes: I never smoked more then one 'hand rolled cigarette' of marijuana and I cannot say whether it was good or bad quality. It was what my brother gave me. Nothing like 'Jamaican blah blah weed' or whatever. Just good pot. ;)

The Skullcap I get here is from the Apotheke (Druggist) here in Germany so the quality is very good and it's fresh and not all old and overly dried out. It has a strong smell of cut grass or hay. Also, when smoking it, it smells great unless it's old. When it's old it smells like old bongwater - literally.

Hope that helps!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30686
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2007Views: 27,813
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