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Body Is Drunk But Mind Is Open
Citation:   HardTrancid. "Body Is Drunk But Mind Is Open: An Experience with Ketamine (exp30768)". Jan 21, 2018.

I write this as I consume. Listening to trance, as it always sets a great stage for me to trip. My vision is slowed, trails if you will. I wish I could skydive on the moon, lol... Music sounds so perfect, with echoes.. Hollow, but perfect. So perfect.

Half vial left, excuse my typing. Proving difficult. Mild hallucinations setting in, trance sounding so nice. How did I find this site anyways? I can't tell if my music is loud or not, no concept of volumes. But yet so tranquil.. Warm rush setting in, body tingling. I conduct this experiment not only to document ketamine use, but also educate...

This is my my first time, and definitely not like anything I have experienced... Dream like... Drunk feeling when I move, but my mind is so open.
Drunk feeling when I move, but my mind is so open.
Motor skills slowing. My head is feeling heavy now... Unbalanced like a top. Wow.

Echoes everything sounds so crisp, unlike anything I have ever heard... Body not here. Its there , if I'm here. This is odd. Watching myself as I type this. How is this possible? Definite loss of motor skills and cognitive functions,. Yet beautiful
Echoesm, everywhere.... Slow motion, black and white very different. Matrix special effects. Very thirsty.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30768
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 21, 2018Views: 870
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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