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I Felt Happy and Sedated
Citation:   Alienboy. "I Felt Happy and Sedated: An Experience with Promethazine (exp30807)". May 8, 2006.

50 mg oral Pharms - Promethazine (pill / tablet)
I took 2 25 mg tabs at 8:30AM....... By 9:15 I had a pleasant, sedated feeling. A kind of euphoric side effect as well, but not like the euphoric sensations of an Opioid.

I noticed if I took this at beditme I slept soundly. But by taking it while wide awake, it produced a more noticable lightheadedness. Somewhat like a mix between valium & Soma.

The effects of the Prometh lasted 3-4 hours with no 'come down' effects. Promethazine produced a drowsy feeling

I gave a friend 2 25mg tabs today. He took them & within 45 minutes, he described a relaxed, sedated, almost like having a drink feeling.

My drugs of choice are Opioids, & I look for other medications that will produce a similar euphoric feeling. Promethazine comes close. It will brought about a calm, slower state of being, & causes slight giddiness, & disorienting.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30807
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 8, 2006Views: 115,259
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Pharms - Promethazine (336) : General (1), Alone (16)

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