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Check Your Sources
Citation:   Anonymous. "Check Your Sources: An Experience with Cannabis (exp30917)". Feb 20, 2004.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis
Today, we sat down to smoke a bowl or two out of my friends new piece. After 2 bowls between the four of us, I felt as though I was about to throw up. This is just a temporary effect if you smoke way to big bowls. Anyways, so after about 30 seconds the regular everything is funny, kinda chill feeling sets in. But after that was the crazyest trip I ever had.

First it was a subtle feeling of woah where am I, but over a course of about 30 or 40 minutes i started to feel reaaaaaly trippy. It felt like I was in a room, and the floor was ice, but I didnt feel my body. My friends head started to glow as he took on a meditative position and he looked like a genuine buddhist monk (even though he is caucasian). Every once in a while I felt like I was sinking into my body again, and would not be able to concentrate while in my body, so I'd leave again.

It was really cold all of a sudden and I was in my friend, I could feel his thoughts and movements. It took about 3-4 hours till the last parts of the high were gone. Looking back on it, it was pretty cool, but at the time it was scary. We think it was either realllly dank or it was laced.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30917
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2004Views: 11,244
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