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Where Did the Time Go
MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis
Citation:   Happy Fenix. "Where Did the Time Go: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis (exp30991)". Jun 19, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 3:30 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I started smoking pot when I was 15 years old. It started as a once a weekend thing and before I knew it, I was smoking everyday. Pot eventually led to other drugs; shrooms, lsd, and even cocaine. But the one drug I swore I would never touch was E. I feared this drug because it was known for being notriously impure and extremely dangerous. I also saw several tv specials which focused on how it ate holes in your brain, ' not cool ' I thought.

However on new years of 2004 I had been convinced by a group of my closest friends to roll with them. We did it in the safety of a friends basement and I had an amazing time. I took 1 pill at 9:30 pm and the second at 1am. I partyed the night away until around 5 when the E started to wear off. Overall it was an amazing experience and I knew that I would have to try this amazing drug again.

The trip that I wanted to share however was my second and latest experience with the drug. I was going to be rolling with one of my best guy friends, my best girlfriend and her roommate, and another girlfriend of theirs. We rented a room in a very safe and out of the way hotel. There were no other occupants around us so we didn't feel the least bit paranoid. We had prepared for the trip by burning some of our favorite techno / rap songs on to cds. We also stocked up on water, glow sticks, black lights, clementines to eat, straws to chew on, and of course plenty of pot and cigarettes.

We each popped our first blue superman at around 10 pm. After about 30 minutes I could feel the drug starting to take effect. I began to feel a warm sensation creeping all over my body. I knew that it was time to smoke. Right after we each took a couple bong hits, the drug really started to kick in. We turned the lights off and turned the black lights on. As soon as the glowsticks were cracked and the techno came on and I became overwhelmed with a sense of pure joy. Everything seemed perfect at that exact moment in time. I looked around the room and saw my closest friends and felt that nothing could possibly go wrong.

After a while of observation, I decided to give the glowsticks a twirl. I've never really tried before but to my amazment I was really quite good! Everybody was blown away and I felt sooo happy that I could bring everybody else such joy in the room. I can not emphasize how utterly stunning and beautiful the glowsticks were as we listened to the techno music. I instantly fell in love with them and carried them around the entire night. We would take turns with the glowsticks which proved to be one of the most entertaining thing of the night, to me at least. I would also play the beat of the song on peoples legs or shoulders with the glowsticks at a fast rate. Everybody said that they could feel the beat and nobody wanted it to stop.

Backrubs and head massages were also extremely popular that evening. I layed down on the bed when 'H' got on my back and began scratching my head and rubbing my hair. She did this for about 5 minutes but it was the most pleasureable thing I had felt. It felt like she was giving me a full body massage inside and out. It felt so warm and great, I remember thinking that I could even FEEL the love. I remember wishing she could go on all night. I also loved giving people massages because I knew how great it felt and all I wanted to do was make everybody as happy as I was.

My buddy 'W' and I took our second superman at around 1:30 am while the girls each had a half pill. We all were bonding so hard during this entire experience. There was always a conversation going on that I wanted to be a part of. I remember listening to a story and wanting to chime in so badly, but not wanting to be rude, so I'd figure I'd wait to tell my story. This however never happened because I would always forget what I was going to say like 5 seconds later. In the middle of listening I found it extremely hard to concentrate even though I wanted to hear what my friends were saying so bad. My brain would just totally blank out and it would be like they were talking complete jibberish. I didn’t want to hurt their feelings by telling them I wasn't listening so normally I would just fake it and say 'Oh wow!' or something along those lines.

I went into the bathroom to take a look at myself because I noticed everybody's eyes were extremely dilated. Mine were no different and I thought they looked extremely cool. I've never been a very confident person about my physical appearance, but when I looked into the mirror, I thought I was the most handsome I had ever looked in my life. I continued to look in the mirror and smile back at the reflection in the mirror. After flexing and having a grand old time in the bathroom, I headed back out to the party and continued to have a great time.

I remember looking around the room at each person and just thinking about how much I loved them, and how great of a person they were. My best girlfriend 'K' looked absolutely stunning. She looked like a angel and whenever we made eye contact I would smile and my heart would race. I would get a huge rush of the deepest love for her, I remember thinking how I would love to just marry her and be with her forever. Even 'A', her friend who I had never met before became one of my closest friends that night. It was like I had known her forever and we could talk about anything. One thing that completely blew me away was when 'A' took a can of Cinnamon glade air freshener and sprayed it into the air. When the cool mist landed on us and reached our noses we all inhaled deeply and let out an ' Mmmmmmm! Ahhh!' it was the greatest thing I had ever smelled! It smelled just like pure heaven and it swept over my entire body. After we discovered this, the can was gone within the hour.

I remember looking at the clock and expecting it to be about 2am ... wrong! It was about 5 and I realized that I was starting to come down. I was so depressed when I realized how quickly the time had gone by. We had been in that hotel room messing around for 7 hours but it felt like it was over in just 2. That was when I started to get sad. I realized that I would probably never have that much fun again until the next time I rolled.

I felt like crap the entire next day. We went back to the girls dorm rooms at about 9am. We all tried to get some sleep but I layed alone in 'K''s bed feeling extremely depressed while she slept with 'H' in her bed. I felt just like a brain dead zombie all of saturday. We just sat in their dorm room together and talked for 8 hours, all of us too lazy to eat, shower, or even leave the room. I didn’t get to sleep until 6am that morning. Needless to say, after all of the exhaustion and lack of sleep I was messed up for about 3 - 4 days after the experience. I was depressed off and on for the week and all I could think about was rolling.

It's been about a month since that experience and I'm feeling perfectly fine and back to normal now. Looking back on that experience I can honestly say that it was the most fun I've had in my life. I plan on taking it easy for a while but I do plan on rolling again in 3 - 4 months.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30991
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2007Views: 8,616
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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