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Harsh Truths Of Unreality
DXM & Pseudoephedrine
Citation:   daoistraver. "Harsh Truths Of Unreality: An Experience with DXM & Pseudoephedrine (exp3100)". Dec 22, 2001.

950 mg oral DXM (liquid)
I wanted to enter the third plateau. I had taken 1st-2nd plateau robo trips for quite some time (they didn't really feel like trips), but was told that the true experience comes across the 900 mg barrier.. ha ha ha if I had only known... I drank half a liter of evil red goo.. (didn't read the box quite closely enough, but I will get to that later..) Somehow I managed to keep it all down.. and the usual floaty dreamy state came to me.. after about an hour of that, my pupils dilated immensely.. it was like having night vision goggles on.. only one red light bulb was on in the room, but it was bright as a red sun to me. I decided to put on a trance album on repeat while I could still walk.. I wanted to see what effect the DXM would have on the music.

Ok, about 1.5 hours into it, and now my legs are getting wobbly. I lay down, and for some reason I close my eyes. The music is gone. The room is gone. I am a character in a full-sensory movie (or perhaps a waking dream, but it was super-realistic, and I was not myself, I was another personality entirely, although 'I' still existed behind that character, aware of what was going on, but I was inside another being) .. I went through several days!! of existence as this character, sleeping, waking up, going about 'my' business, etc.. then somehow the real me realized that I could open my eyes and end this.. and I did.. and awoke to a massive trip. It was like the converse of acid psychedelia.. instead of being melty and fluid, everything was hard-edged and extra solid.. bands of light seemed like solid strips of white tape.. and then I saw the writing on the wall.. literally.. perhaps it was a trick of the shadows.. but I had a full-blown open-eye hallucination.. I saw writing all over the wall in an alphabet I neither understood nor even recognized.. the music was moving incredibly slowly.. 140 bpm seemed like 40 bpm.. I heard voices in the music but could not make out what they were saying.. I checked the clock.. it was 10 MINUTES since I had first closed my eyes! I was not pleased with this incredible level of time dilation.. I figured I had about 4 to 5 more hours to go.. I closed my eyes, without even thinking about it, and went into another waking dream /cev .. again I was someone else, living my life for days on end before opening my eyes.. again about 10-12 minutes had passed.. the writing et al were still there... I decided to stand up. No problem. But my legs were rooted.. I could not walk at all. Ok, so I sat down on the bed and decided since I was stuck like this for a while to just relax and go with it.. so I closed my eyes, lived out another episode, opened them.. played around with movement and sensation.. tried to read the writing.. closed my eyes again.. etc.

The trip lasted much longer than I thought it would.. 12 hours alltogether. Subjectively, who knows? Months, I guess, maybe more.. I almost forgot what it was like to not drop in and out between alien warped reality and dream-movies.. Afterwards, I figured out that the dream states were issues and fantasies from my subconscious and the characters were all aspects of my own self that had come unstuck and become temporarily independent. I learned so much about myself that I have to say it was definitely worth it.. but because of the nature of what I learned and the brutal directness of the way it was presented, it was not really pleasant in any way.. I have a strong suspicion that the extreme time dilation was in great part to the 1.5 grams of pseudoephedrine that I unwittingly consumed along with the DXM. Next time I will read the box more carefully.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3100
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 22, 2001Views: 13,410
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DXM (22) : Combinations (3), General (1), Alone (16)

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