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Can Be Mind-altering
Zolpidem & Antidepressants (Unknown)
by A
Citation:   A. "Can Be Mind-altering: An Experience with Zolpidem & Antidepressants (Unknown) (exp31076)". Jan 28, 2005.

10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
My Mom was put on Ambien 5mg. and then 10mg. She then decided that there was no need for them anymore. I was desperate and *stupid* to take these since I'm on antidepressants and have no need for sleeping pills. I was curious what Ambien would do when took and staying awake. First off, staying awake while on these isn't as hard as I'd think. The first time, I took a single 10mg. pill to see just what it would do. After taking it with a small glass of water, I went into my room. I wanted to break a beer bottle to use the upper part as a glass slide for guitar playing. I took the bottle and put it in a bag and tried to crack it without too much damage to the lip of the bottle. It didn't work well. The pill started to kick in and I didn't even notice it. It was as if I become so stupefied by the pill that I didn't even realize that I took it anymore. I was forgetting lots of things at that point. I looked at the broken glass bottle wondering why I had it in my hand. I looked around and everything looked fuzzy, dream like. I was dreaming while being awake. I started to feel very numb. I was mystified by how numb I was to everything.

At that point I had the brains of a two year old kid. I started to poke myself just for fun with the broken bottle in the middle of my hand. I didn't feel a thing. I seen blood ooze out of my hand. For some reason I thought this was neat (what the fuck was I thinking?). My microphone stand was next to the chair I sat on in my room. I thought it would look cool if the mic stand was red instead of black. I took my bloody hand and rubbed it up and down the stand. Later I went and laid on the couch. After that point I don't remember anything except suddenly barfing all over. I cleaned it up with my pants. My Mom just loved that! My Mom came home from work and asked me if I wanted to shop at stores with her. I mumbled something. She knew I was looped out on something. I told her I was ready to go, and she said I was acting so out of it that I didn't even have pants on, just underwear (I used the pants to clean puke..). I looked at the clock many times and the numbers jumped out at me. I tried to grab the numbers in mid air! I actually thought I felt them. They felt like wet sponges. I had double vision. Everything was seen in two. Some things seemed to become part of other things. I looked at the stereo and was wondering why the speaker suddenly became part of the stereo even though the speaker is 5 feet away from it. Anything with bright colors seemed to trail.

My Mom knew I was on something but she thought I would get over it once I get outside and do some shopping (what was she thinking!?). I started to hiccup very bad. So bad that it shook my whole body every time. Everyone in the store thought I was nuts. My Mom just rushed me through the store because she knew at that point that I was a wreck.
Few days later I found that I took way more than 10mg. I thought I took one but as memory started to come back, I realized that I took 2 more 10mg. pills. after the first one. 30mg. total! Shit.

HAVE A TRIP SITTER! Since you are so out of it when on these that you may take more and not realize it. All in all, their not worth the trouble. I had major come-down effects, sweating, etc. Just like dreaming while awake. And this isn't always good if you have nightmares.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31076
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2005Views: 64,758
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), Various (28)

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