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Pages of Time
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   Halfpint. "Pages of Time: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp31138)". Jun 12, 2007.

3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
I recently bought 2 grams of Salvia extract from an online supplier. It was rather cheap ($16US) and I definitely got what I paid for, the two dime bags looked like they were filled with left overs. The shit they swept up off the floor. It was another dull night without marijuana so I figured what the hell. I was feeling pretty good, no stresses, no responsibilities waiting for me. I've experimented with salvia before, so I was comfortable smoking it alone.

I was in my bedroom with the lights on, no distractions, sitting on the edge of my bed. I loaded a full bowl of the 10x and went about my business. After the thirty seconds were up I prepared a second bowl. While holding the second hit in my lungs I got the initial buzz, a slight numbness. Realizing how weak the extract was, I loaded a heaping third bowl. As I drew the flame down onto the extract I noticed that something was different. Still unsure what was different, because I was concentrated on finishing the bowl. When I looked up from the bowl, my bedroom as I knew it was gone.

I was still holding the smoke in my lungs and the distortion of my room was rapidly increasing. My body was frozen in a frame of time, I couldn't even move the pipe away from my lips. Still frames of time floated around me like pages of a book. I was a page on a book! The pages of my history extended down and right, kind of like those circular address organizers. I noticed something strange was going on with my face, a tube was going right through it. Protruding out both sides of my jaw. It wasn't painfull, it just prevented me from moving. I exhaled the smoke, and it reminded me where I actually was. My perception slowly began reforming itself but something was still different.

I felt like I had duties that I needed to complete, goals waiting to be finished. So I stood up and raised my left hand up infront of me. Don't know what I was trying to accomplish, but it felt absolutely necessary for me to do. Like I was completing a frame in time so that I could continue on with life. After standing there for a few minutes the trip was dimming out, so I decided to leave my bedroom. As I took my first step towards the doorway I was hit by the coldest vibe I've ever felt. Someone was expressing the outmost disappointment they had for my life. It sent chills through me and I convulsed.

For some reason I had trouble leaving the room, I felt like there were loose ends waiting to be fixed. Pages from my history maybe. As I proceded to walk down the hall to the bathroom I viewed myself as an ugly, old, hunchbacked man. Which also sent shivers through my body. I took a shower then went back to my bedroom to lay down. I was having colourful closed eye visuals and my mind was racing with new thought patterns. I didn't sleep very well that night. My mental screen continued to race with colours. A splash of blood smeared across it, I could smell the blood. It made me feel nauseous and I felt like I had poisoned myself. The alien emotions kept repeating themselves, like my brain was struggling to comprehend them. Had I opened a door that was supposed to be locked? Or was I driving down a highway that was still under construction?

The next day I was feeling pretty good, just a slight headache.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31138
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2007Views: 4,279
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Alone (16)

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