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Heaven and Hell
by 78d
Citation:   78d. "Heaven and Hell: An Experience with 2C-E (exp31150)". Mar 15, 2004.

13 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
writing this sunday evening, the day following my first 2CE experience, and really my first psychedelic experience all together (have done a small amount of mushrooms once earlier but never enough of anything to really 'leave the place').

Me and my friend A drank the 2CE dissolved into water at about 18:35 and sat down to watch Friends on a big screen projector while waiting for the effects to kick in. A took about 25-28mg and I 12-14mg. A had done 2CE at the same dose once before and found it easier on the head than mushrooms, almost clear-headed, but with more visuals so I did not expect a that 'far away' experience. Reading experience reports and Pihkal on the net earlier did hint there might be more to 2CE though. If I had known the kind of journey it would take me on I probably would not have taken it this day - I hadn't eaten since the morning and also had only 4-5 hours sleep. Had also been out drinking the day before.

Today I'm very glad we did this though.

About an hour or so after drinking the 2CE we started feeling subtle effects coming on and switched to playing an mp3 CD with an xbox showing full screen visuals moving to the music on the projector screen.
We had put together the CD earlier during the day for this occation and it held mainly tracks by Shpongle and Infected Mushroom.

One of the side effects of 2CE is it is difficult to find a comfortable position, we both kept moving around in our chairs with a strange feeling in the whole body. It also gives some discomfort in the stomach but at least I didn't feel hungry any more.

With the psychedelic music and matching the big screen visuals I really started feeling the 2CE doing things in my brain. The visuals from the xbox playing the CD was no longer contained within the screen but moving around in the room and there seemed to be a red glowing light from behind our chairs.

During one very beautiful, calm and psychedelic Infected Mushroom track, Shakawkaw, when I first really felt the 2CE lifting me away it was such a beautiful feeling. I had tears in my eyes and it felt like something inside me was asking why I had waited so long to visit this place. I'm listening to the song again now writing this and it still makes me very emotional.
I felt no fear or nervosity at this point although being further away from normality than ever before, was just breathing deep breaths and watching the colors dancing to the music and marvelling at this strange world I had just entered. We kept coming back to this song several times later during the evening and at points it felt like it was a full 2 hour movie long - so many thoughts and feelings running through me and so much happening during these 4 short minutes of Infected Mushroom's musical genious.

A while after this what felt like a very warm welcome to the psychedelic world it was as if this something left me alone in this strange place and on my own. I slowly started getting lost. I started to have moments of being afraid and wishing it would end and put me back to normal. Not really panicking but discomfort and depressing thoughs. I was moving in waves between this and between feeling it was the most fantastic experience of my life. Sometimes I could influence the waves slightly by trying to think of something that makes me happy like my girlfriend E but most of the time it seemed like the 2CE was sending me up and down without my control. I didn't mention much of the discomfort to A in the beginning but was asking how his trip was going, having taken about twice my dose and wondering how a full mushroom trip might be if this was 'almost clear-headed'. He was saying this was quite a different trip than his previous time though.

Every time we started talking I was amazed by the fact that it was still possible to maintain a conversation considering the journies my brain was taking me on every time when sinking into the music and letting the unreal thoughts drift. I find it very difficult to explain the experience itself now (as with any psychedelic experience you can talk about the strange visual effects, sound distortions and other things that still makes a valid concept in a normal headspace but understanding what it's like to 'be there' can really only be done while actually 'being there'. Or so I find it anyway...I've been reading so many trip reports and facts the last couple of years not really daring to try but thinking I 'had an idea' of what a psychedelic experience was. Nothing could really fully have prepared me for this though.)

After a while another friend also living here, N, came home. He was working this weekend so decided to join us but just smoke some weed instead. A also smokes some but I decided not too, feeling too confused already by the waves between 'greatest time ever' and 'please end this now'. I was explaining to N that I had never ever been this far away and that at times it scared me. He was saying me and A actually seemed pretty much normal to talk to. We were talking about some of the strange things going on, pointing out and laughing at details in the room that were strangely distorted like the blades of the roof-fan being bent downwards like they were melting, the visuals on the screen moving to the music being almost everywhere in the room and how any object moved when you looked at it. The time dilation was also very strong, any time someone would leave the room for a few minutes it would feel like hours.

At one point I went to the toilet to take a leak; this was a huge project at the time. In there I was first just standing still looking at the floor tiles spinning in relation to eachother. I decided to sit down for once not being very sure on my aiming with everything moving around this much. Was a little difficult figuring out or remembering if I had already went or if I was going to but I got things under control in the end and also managed to look in the mirror without freaking out when washing my hands.

A while after I got back from the toilet A was talking about not feeling very well. I wasn't sure if it was just stomach problems or if he had the same problems with strange thoughts at times as me. He would tell me the next day that he was sure he was going to die. Pain around the kidneys and the same strange waves up and down as me. At first he was trying to throw up which didn't work and when a very stoned N knocked on the toilet door to see if he was ok he was taking a shower. When we talked to him he was first saying it was just the stomach (not wanting to be a bad influence on my trip) but when I explained my waves we said he was going through the same but with several down waves recently one after the other. I was sad of course he wasn't having a great time but at the same time relieved I wasn't the only one having problems.

We decided to go outside for some fresh air and a cigarette. It didn't feel at all cold although it most likely was (2ce does some strange things to your body temperature). It felt nice to talk and know that we were having a similar trip. Also nice to take a break from the loud music and visuals which was quite a heavy load at the brain at times. There was also lots of great things to see outside - the bricks on the driveway moving in waves like it was an ocean for example. Once back inside I also noticed what looked like liquid nitrogen smoke flowing from the livingroom table - almost like in a 80's heavy metal music video.

N went to his room to play some videogames after seing A was ok.
Me and A sat down again listening to some more Infected Mushroom with moments of enjoying music more than ever before (well, perhaps on mdma :), short moments of thinking everything was back to normal (at least I had this), and depressed moments of being soo tired of this and wishing the hell would finally end. At least we were joking about it like 'I don't understand this drug at all, sometimes it's the best time you ever had and now I can't wait for it to end. The waves between up and down was very short for some time. We were looking at the time about every 5 minutes from around 9:45 to 10:10 and every time thinking an hour must have passed since the last time. Strangely our mood-waves seemed to be going up and down at the exact same times.

We tried to watch Friends again at one point but the visual distorsions were just to bad. For me everyone looked streched two times too wide and for A the heads were way too small and we both found it too confusing to try to keep track of the story. The right side of the screen also seemed like it was hanging some meter below the left.. After a while of having difficulty making any decisions we decided to go back to music and full screen xbox visuals but with the light on since the visuals spreading from the screen into the room was just too overwhelming otherwise.

Perhaps the effects were starting to wear off slightly or perhaps we were getting used to and learning to deal with the experience but the next time we looked at the watch it was about 11 and we had both been having a really great time. The visual 2CE effects were still just as strong especially after turning the light off again and every time we put on the favourite track for the evening 'Shakawkaw' it was like fastening the seatbelt and getting ready for takeoff to an hour-long journey into another universe. I've always liked psychedelic music but it has never made as much sense or been as beautiful as this day..

Today the day after we've both been feeling a bit spaced out, tired but not sleepy like the brain had too much exercise yesterday. It's been very nice taking a walk outside and I've felt the colors of things being sharper than usual. It felt strange to see the recliner chairs in which we travelled many lightyears during several days the night before just standing on the living room floor looking, well, like chairs on a living room floor. The strangest thing though was going into a shopping center to get some food, to see a world full of people doing normal everyday routine stuff, some looking stressed or trying to keep track of their kids running around everywhere. No one having visited any 'other realities' the day before or feeling the same strange peacefullness today.

It's been a very nice afterglow and I regret nothing of yesterday. Now understand what someone once told me that 'visiting both heaven and hell' in the same trip is a part of what makes you feel like you have been on a very long journey afterwards.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 31150
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 15, 2004Views: 21,663
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2C-E (137) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), Difficult Experiences (5)

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