Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
First time: Kind Visuals, Split Personality
Citation:   Klaus Midden. "First time: Kind Visuals, Split Personality: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp31180)". Jul 14, 2004.

T+ 0:00
5.0 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:45 5.0 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 10 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 5.0 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
This is a first experience.

The first thing to note is that prior to doing this substance with the female M, neither of us had had ANY experience with pyschoactives aside from MDMA (and negative experiences with Pot). MDMA was an extremely insightful tool for both of us. We were pretty well read and researched on this substance and decided that I would take a bare threshold dose (5-8mg) and wait an hour with M babysitting before bumping up and giving her a threshold dose.

This mitigated our fears about reaction. In addition we had a friend close by (walking distance) if the need arose.

Mind Set: I can't speak for M but I could have been in a better mindset. I really anticipated doing this, but it was late in the day and I had just returned from spending some stressful time with family. I would have been better off with a full day to spin down and then a new day to start up.

Setting: My home, very comfortable, a completely known quantity. Great music in general. Had access to a device you put on your television to create very basic visuals. We had sex and ate a nice meal prior to this experience.

T.0:00 - I had access to a scale which could measure up to .01 of a gram (10 MG) so I weighed out enough to make the scale register 10 mg and then divided in half. I took this amount to start.

T.0:20 - Alerts started firing a little bit here. For me it's the feeling that my 'skull is lighter' particularly around the temples. I also noticed tension in my shoulders a little later which has been attributed to this substance in PIHKAL and other resources. Barely off baseline.

T.0:45 - I deem this safe for trying and M takes 5mg while I take another 5.

T.1:15 - Laughing is MUCH easier. I become aware of a war between my observer and whoever controls this experience (I haven't identified him yet). My observer reasserts his control by saying things like 'It shouldn't be *that* funny. She has vague alerts but is unsure if she is off baseline.

T.1:50 - M remarks that my pupils are dilated. This happens for both of us through the night although much more so for me than herself. I think this is an alert for me as well at some level beyond the chemistry.

T.2:00 - I measure out 10mg for myself and 10mg for M. Tension in neck is gone replaced by a weird sort of energy. It's sort of similar to a higher E dose but the energy doesn't have an edge. It's simply not something I'm used to. I keep thinking the drug wants to break through a plane to a next level. I'm now at a +1.5. M comments that her limbs feel heavy. I mention that I would sort of like to stick my arms inside her (bodily) to remove the energy. Yes, like violate her skin. This is not a violent thing (and we are lovers, btw) but it's not a sexual thing either. It's an attempt to purge the energy.

T.3:00 - I measure out an additional 10 for M and about 5 for myself (bringing me to about ~25 and her the same; this will be the final dose. I should note at this point that it tastes horrible, like melted plastic. But it also has a familiar taste that we associate with MDMA. We are both crazy people who like taking MDMA sublingually so we know about this.

I decide that if we don't break to a ++ or higher it'll have to be the next time (I have anxiety about the slow run up we are doing). A lot of laughing, a lot of awareness about my observer freaking out. We sit down to watch the sopranos (dvd).

T.3:20 - I can't watch this anymore. It doesn't make sense in a way that's helpful. I tell M this and put on some music, change the tv to discovery channel and turn the volume off. M remarks that the ceiling is much brighter than it usually is. I notice the brick wall is pulsating (in a benign friendly manner). Oh! We are tripping. How interesting.

T.4:00 - The last hour or so was spent looking at various things. Whenever we get up to wander around the house visuals stop or go away. The observer is VERY in control when we are walking around and loses control when we lie down. We both remark that we could drive a car or do critical operations if we had to. I am a solid ++ and M is starting to see sparkles and colors (dominant shade is red). I am not getting this level so I guess she is a 2.5 or +++. Neither of us having ever had a +++ I can't comment. I feel like a little bit more would have put me over the top. Limbs are unbelieveably heavy. There is energy concentrated in the shoulder and neck area. We both comment that we wish we existed only as minds... we'd like all of our limbs cut off now please. But we both also realize that we are completely rational.

It's as if the observer is warring with another entity (one that could care less about 'going to war' -- whenever we get the observer to shut up the energy becomes very bareable. Ironically (disappointingly) talking about stuff like this reasserts the observer.

M freaks out a tiny bit at one point at seeing a feathered Italian carnivalle mask at the end of the hallway. I hold her and go see it together with her and then it's okay.

T.4:30 - We discover closed eye visuals. Very basic, geometric. Mine look plastic and colorful 'like a pachinko parlor' -- I comment that I am disappointed that my visuals look 'like the graphics at some rave' but I'm not really disappointed. Chicken and the egg -- would my visuals look like this if I had never been exposed to pyschedelic graphics? Ceiling looks like water flowing, then later squiggly entities (very sperm like). Visuals are extremely non-threatening and absolutely in time to the music. The television picture changes in time to the music. We have fun saying things like 'the tv is talking to the stereo again'.

The observer tells me this is not true. That my mind is interpretting it this way. My tells the observer to shut up. It's a lot of fun. :)

M starts giggling saying she is laughing at her observer and her observer is giving her the finger. I tell her that she can let it all go, my observer will handle things, and besides, I can't trust her observer. It's like I am the british secret service and her observer is the french secret service. We know she's in the business of spying and she's technically an ally, but at the end of the day she's french. We both laugh a really long time at this. It hurts to laugh.

We take the time to look in the mirror. Absolutely no visuals about our bodies, but the walls are moving. We both look happy and relieved. I comment that our perception of self and each other is pretty strong which is why it's so static. Although the tips of her hair do have some movement. Later, on the bed, the Cat is also a grounding force (he has no visuals either).

T.5:00 - We realize touch exists. We get naked and rub against each other. Touch is disembodied... at one point I don't realize she is rubbing me and neither does she. Touch is incredibly sensitive. We consider sex but I don't want to deal with a condom and the damn observer won't let me just go to it.

T.5:30 - It's not really showing signs of letting up but I know it's on the way down. We decide to go to bed. We both take an ambien which is a sleeping aid that tends to give 'waking dream' visuals right before you go to bed. In a dark room, with no music visuals are very intense but we are both grounded holding on to each other. Right before I drift off I realize my very simple geometric closed eye patterns have turned into a village (a early japanese-looking one) and I realize it is the two substances fighting each other. I comment about this out loud to M. We fall asleep.


The next day I felt a bit mentally tired, and so did M. No physical tiredness at all (unlike MDMA). Brain is still whirring trying to figure all of this out.


A worthwhile substance. I would like to try it some time at a party as I am well aware of how setting changes the experience.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31180
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2004Views: 20,505
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2C-T-2 (53) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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