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There Is No Tomorrow
Citation:   daiseyhfree. "There Is No Tomorrow: An Experience with DXM (exp3123)". Dec 22, 2001.

When I first met the guy they called Robo, I had no idea that you could trip on this stuff. I was just an alcoholic, with occasional acid use & only one bad expirience with shrooms. I thought he was crazy at first but, low & behold came the night I had no alcohol or cash. He offered me a bottle if I would drive him to the store. After that I was hooked. After the first week he cut me off & made me steal my own bottles. We were downing up to 2 family size bottles in 24 hr periods. Frequently stealing bottles from each other while we were 'out'. Friends called us Sid & Nancy....'You did my shit, & didn't save me any!!'

So we come to the time about 3 months after my first try. A bunch of punks were crashing at my house (Void & Upchuck & others). I had downed at least 2 family size bottles & probably a little more stolen from Robo. Laying on the floor, first my skin was on fire. Made only more irritated by the red light in my room. Lori, my trip sitter had to give me a cold bath to satisfactorly put out the flames. Then back to laying on the floor. My eyes were open, yet I couldn't see the room I was 'physically' in. All I could see were these Victorian era people dancing in this huge ballroom. I kept saying 'Help Me! Help Me!' Lori talked to me so I knew she was there, even though I couldn't see her. Also she kept touching me by my insistance. As long as I could feel her touch I knew I hadn't really left the room. At one point I heard Void say 'Whoa, Bad Trip Man!'

Turn the tables, one night Lori had a 'bad trip'. She was crying & frightened. I put on Brian Eno's 'Little Fishes.' This song always made me laugh, soon she was laughing too. Anyway, Robo, if you are out there Chris; Please, some how get me a message. You know damn well this is your Daisey, I'm trapped in Orlando.
I have some cool drawings Robo did on Robo, but have no scanner. I do have some of my writings from this period.

Here kitty, kitty, is all I can think of as Chris Strings up his cat bones. what a chore it is to get fucked up anymore, sanity just won't go away. Kill'em all thats what I say. I hate everybody, don't take it personal. Spine in a sky of weeds, floral skirt with plaid shirt, whata heap. Inverted cat skull on top of stereo, all at 2:10 AM. Mouse in the house, but we don't care, 'cause we got a dead kitty.

everyone is John Lennon. Its all so clear to me now. I need some air. Memories of Goober & Bob & Sunniland, the mental institution; with Eric & Dan all come through on Robotussin, the smell of strawberry. I am that kid in the dream, out there left field! Gone, sinking into the floor, I'm melting! White chalk on blackboard I keep seeing, what's with this Hawaiian Luaiuia? or whatever something is pushing up daisies. I feel him grab my leg but, he is NOT HERE! I wish that he would arrive. They play music without me. I'm gone.....I'M SO HAPPY, BRIAN ENO, I LOVE YOU!! Funny how the writing looks green on planet Daisey! Spark it up sparky, where are you going?

(in the almost illegible handwritting)
Red was here & she's mad at me because I was a bad girl. That is why Kitty wants to kill me. I know it is wrong to steal Robotussin. It makes me on fire. I'm so sorry. I was bad. I was real bad.
(then later when coming down)9:30am
Robotussin is like death, there is no tomorrow, everything is right now. Its got to be up there with heroin. It taste nasty, but once you get here; you never want to leave. As it wears, I want more. Robotussin is the Anti-Christ. It makes me want death, makes it look pretty. Disguised as cough syrup, satan is taking over America. When I was in Florida, I wanted it for my 'family'. Sort of Purgatory, Lori, Nick, me & Chris to exist forever on Robotussin in that rooom with blankets on the floor. This is the first time I've ever went 100% alone into it. The ultimate high we all want ot reach. Just wish we could move there & stay a while. Why can't I be a sole. Existing only spiritually?

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Exp Year: 1993ExpID: 3123
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 22, 2001Views: 17,060
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DXM (22) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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