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There and Back
Citation:   Dutch Master. "There and Back: An Experience with 5-MEO-DMT (exp31250)". Aug 23, 2004.

40 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (freebase)
Hallucinogens are my favorite type of drug. Having done Acid, Mushrooms, PCP, Mescaline and all sorts of other drugs including dope, I felt that I knew my body and that no matter how many drugs I ingest I could never freak out; that was before I did 5-MeO-DMT. I had researched the drug a lot because I had heard it was the most intense drug out there and so naturally I wanted to do it. So one day my friend and I went on line and bought a ½ gram of it.

Since we shipped it Fed X it arrived in only four days, which happened to be a Friday. Being a drug fiend my friend and I tried it that day during our lunch break. Since I had to go to calculus in 40 minutes I decided not to do that much and I only smoked 10mg. I took the hit and felt a rush in my body and my vision was slightly distorted, but overall it wasn’t intense. Either way I went back to school somewhat disappointed, but since I had so much of the stuff, 500mg, I just told my self the next day I would take a shit load. However, later that night I smoked 20 mg by myself and had an excellent time.

That Saturday my friend and I drove to parking in a park and decided to smoke it there. I went first, we measured out 35 – 40mg for me onto the tinfoil, I then proceeded to freebase it. When I took the hit I had a very irritating acrid taste in the back of my mouth. I got a big hit and held it in then slowly released. And as I went to take a second hit I felt the full effect of this wonderful but scary drug. All of the sudden I got biggest adrenaline rush of my life, it was more powerful than doing a ½ gram mound of coke. It started in my feet and over the period of 5 seconds traveled up my body and went to my head, and when the rush hit my head I started tripping face. The world looked like broken red glass and time seemed to stop. I then laid back in the drivers seat, it was fully reclined, and went on the most intense trip of my life. Next thing I knew I was in complete blackness and didn’t have the power to think. Since the previous night when I had done 20mg I had a huge adrenaline rush as well that skyrocketed my pulse to 120 beats per minute, this time when I took twice as much I was convinced that I had overdosed and my heart had exploded.

In my mind I had seriously thought that I had died, as I looked around there was blackness all around me but it wasn’t peaceful like heaven, nor scary like hell so I thought that I was in purgatory. Than out of nowhere there was land below me, I was on a little island in the blackness with some trees and running water. But I wasn’t physically there because when I looked down to see my legs there was none, I was just a spirit floating in the air. While in this state the only thing I remember was that I heard birds chirping, running water and I kept hearing wind chimes in the background. This state lasted for about ten minutes, then out of nowhere I snapped out of it. I practically jumped out of my seat screaming “No fucken way that did just not happen” over and over. Though I was still weirded out I felt almost normal again the second I left the blackness. I asked my friend what happened to me, and he said that after I took the hit I fell over into the seat, and while there he said he could see a huge pulsating vein in my neck pumping blood to my brain. And that my heart was beating so hard and fast that my chest was rising over an inch with every beat, and that during the whole time I kept twitching.

All in all 5-MeO-DMT is a fun drug in LOWER DOSES. Don’t be like me and smoke twice a standard dose in one hit and think you're dead, because when you reach that level freaky shit happens and I could easily see how it could screw someone’s head up permanently. Because for over a week after this experience I thought that I was seriously going to become schizophrenic, and I was very depressed as well.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 31250
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 23, 2004Views: 8,555
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Overdose (29), Depression (15), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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