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Immensely Disappointed
MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Paroxetine
Citation:   Deformed_Neuron. "Immensely Disappointed: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Paroxetine (exp31477)". Mar 3, 2004.

7 glasses oral Alcohol (liquid)
  40 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (daily)
  1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Ok, this is not the first time I have tried MDMA, I have *probably* tried it on at least 7 different spread out ocassions, and have been more than disappointed on the outcome of the past couple of experiences.

It basically started off as a regular evening at 'The Office' (Home), after work, chilling with a few quiet drinks and waiting for some phone calls to come through.

I was waiting for a particular mate known as 'L' to come by as I was in *friendly* debt to him of not a great deal of cash, but was desperate to pay it off, as I'm not one that really likes the burden of owing my hard earned money to fellow 'Hard-Workers'..

Anyways.. 'L' had come by at about 1:40am in the morning (E.S.T.) to pick up his cash (please note, that this was a good 2-3 hours after taking my daily dosage of Paroxetine/Aropax pills and I was still in the process of knocking down cans of the beloved Pre-mixed Jack Daniel's and Cokes;)). I handed over the money I had owed 'L' after visiting the nearest A.T.M. and as I did this I had asked if he had any pills on him, as I know he is a very, actually more than frequent MDMA 'Pill-head'. 'L' simply replied with 'I only have two left and I'll throw one your way as a freebie for the punctuality of payment.'

I dropped at what was now probably 2:15am, and expected the effects to be rather intense when they hit, I heard good stories of these pills off various other sources (they were white-bluey speckled VW's, just in case the reader is curious)

But to my disappointment, when I finally felt the effects of the initial MDMA high, they were very subtle and not so very sensual as what is expected. Now I know for a *FACT* that these pills were good quality as 'L' was rolling fairly hard, also taking into consideration that he drops on a more frequent basis than I.

Basically I felt 'Nice', but not 'loved-up' as what I had expected, and was just wondering if this is really all that a common occurence where ingesting SSRI drugs such as Paroxetine is concerned. I have read recent reports that SSRI's can reduce the effects of psychedelics and stimulants, but should it have been this noticable, I mean... I was almost on above Baseline.. plus I *KNOW* these pills are very potent.. I know this is more than likely boring the absolute crap out of the reader, but I would love to see more extensive information on the action of SSRI's and amphetamines/stimulant-like drugs.

Peace-out and happy dropping;)

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31477
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2004Views: 9,391
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MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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