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LSA, All the Way!
Morning Glory & Tobacco
by Kdub
Citation:   Kdub. "LSA, All the Way!: An Experience with Morning Glory & Tobacco (exp31811)". Jun 1, 2007.

350 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
LSD being all but extinct in Central Florida, I decided to dose on its red-headed step child, LSA. After all, how much of a difference can one letter make.

4:00pm - I dumped out all of my seeds into a huge pile, and began counting out my dose. It's a tedious task, so I lit an encouragment cigarette.

4:15pm - My eyes are crossed from counting all those little black seeds, but I finally finished. I lit a celabration cigarette, and started eating.

4:30pm - I finished choking down the store-bought seeds, funguscides and all. Smoked an accomplishment cigarette.

5:00pm - It's been about four cigarettes since I swallowed my last seed, and I'm starting to feel somthing. Mainly horrible nausea, and a pain in my legs.

5:15pm - My cell phone rings. I miss the call, because for some reason I can't tell where the ringing was coming from. My complete lack of sound perception was the first sign of the trip to come.

I pop in a favorite movie of mine, 'GO'.

5:45pm - I got into the movie, and the next thing I knew, I noticing undeniable, acid-like visual distortions (though they were relatively mild). All of the characters in the movie had the primary colors shooting out from their sillouettes. Everything seemed really 'pixelated'.

6:10pm - I looked around my living room, and I felt like I was in a pastel painting. It was beutiful, yet simple.

Spent about ten mintues staring at my A/C vent, watching it spin into itself. Pure insanity.

6:25pm - My nausea had almost completely subsided, and I was having a pretty decent trip. I put on some tunes and explored my house. I was captivated by just about everything I walked past.

7:00pm - I layed down in my bed, and the peak of my trip was becoming surprisingly strong. I noticed a single geometric pattern spining, taking up my entire field of view. My feelings of 'Wow, a pattern' turned into 'This pattern is God, I must listen to God', and eventually to complete ego loss.

9:00pm - The pattern started fading, and I was slowly re-entering reality. There were still tracers-a-plenty, and lots of other noticable effects.

10:00pm - I'm just about baseline, with an empty pack of cigarettes.


Surprisingly good trip. It doesn't compare to acid in intensity, but it's the best high you'll find in Home Depot.

Though the pattern was pretty good, there was only one. The entire trip, I was staring at the same 2-d pattern.

I may have downplayed the nausea in the report, but it is really bad. I threw up at least five times. But it will eventually subside.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31811
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 1, 2007Views: 7,783
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Alone (16)

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