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Look Before Leaping
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Ecomiendrio. "Look Before Leaping: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp3187)". Dec 23, 2001.

2.5 leaves smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
I got some dried salvia divornum leaves today. I was feeling bummed about my dream-woman standing me up on a date and I was going to quit fucking around and tell her how I felt. I hadn't tripped in about 10 months and its not a good idea to trip depressed. I deserved to have a bad experience.

Guessing that this salvia was a hoax, and having 15 minutes before my next class, I sat down at a table in the shade and packed a couple leaves into my trusty corncob (its usually for tobacco.) Salvia tasted pretty bad, but not too bad, and they burn REALLY well. About 30 seconds after my first hit I looked down at my watch and it sort of looked 'different.' I freaked out, but then I 'remembered' I was stoned. That idea only lasted for a quick second, until I finished my pipe. Then I knew Salvia was something.

I felt this weird sensation, things were just weird and I felt like I didn't belong in the normal universe. Everything seemed to be more alive, more intense. It was almost like I could feel the potential energy in every object. Realizing that the Salvia was indeed doing SOMETHING, I decided to try and close my eyes, since Salvia only teaches in the dark. Just as I closed my eyes I felt a sensation of flying, only not of my own will. Right before I got somewhere, all these sorority girls came walking by, breaking the journey. Even as I opened my eyes, I felt like there was this weird presence/force surrounding me, pushing (forcing?) me to go deeper into the shade and lie down. As soon as I got there I could feel the presence receeding. It quickly let up and I felt really restless... I started walking and I wasn't sure where I was going. I passed my building several times and when I got to class I was squirming a lot at first and had to keep getting up to go get water....

The intense part only lasted a few minutes but I definitely know this is a drug to respect. It should not be smoked like weed... I'm looking forward into trying this alone and in the dark, its supposedly a lot more intense and my urges seem to back that up. I could learn a lot from something this powerful. I can scarcely imagine the awesome power of enhanced leaves and extracts.

I arrogantly entered Salvia's threshold without warning or due respect. The presence let me put my foot in the door but then slammed the door on it.

The best news of the whole trip is that it was so bizarre that I didn't think of L for the rest of the day!

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3187
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 23, 2001Views: 10,039
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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