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An Accidental Low-Dose Breakfast
Morning Glory & Alcohol
Citation:   Um Brella. "An Accidental Low-Dose Breakfast: An Experience with Morning Glory & Alcohol (exp31906)". Nov 15, 2007.

T+ 0:00
25 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 10:00 2 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
Around 8 a.m. one Sunday morning as I was sowing various seeds in a planter, I found that I had far more Heavenly Blue MG seeds than space to germinate them. Rather than throw them away, I started chewing them and swallowing, one by one. I had read that a threshold dose was between 50-100 seeds, and I had also read elsewhere about certain positive, mild effects of low doses of psychedelics. MG seeds have very little taste, and I was so into the planting I was doing, I sort of forgot I wasn't munching on sunflower seeds. When I stopped, to my mild dismay, it seemed I had eaten 20-25 seeds. I finished what I was doing, read a little, and then my wife got up and she drove me to the local coffeehouse where I do my freelance proofreading work. I completely forgot I had eaten the seeds.

At around 11 a.m., as I was working, I noticed I was blinking a lot, and my vision was kind of blurry. I also had an unsettling sensation, a displaced, restless, anxious kind of feeling. I was breathing deeply but not getting full breaths, and I was starting to skip over what I was supposed to be reading. I couldn't concentrate. Then I remembered the seeds. I wasn't too worried because I hadn't eaten enough for a psychedelic dose, but I wasn't happy to realize that in the middle of a Sunday morning coffeehouse I was experiencing that first anxious rush of regret and fear that has always accompanied my psychedelic experiences.

I got up and walked around, went outside to try and clear my head, but the feelng persisted of course and I realized I had probably just ruined a day's work for nothing -- I wasn't even going to trip. And that's pretty much what happened. I continued working, but was only maybe 25% engaged in it. I sighed a lot, and my vision got worse, and I just plowed through regardless. Definitely unpleasant to be stuck in that 'beginning' phase where it's all body effects as the flesh adjusts, yet without the promise of mental breakthroughs forthcoming.

Sometime around 3 in the afternoon, the effects subsided. Around 6, I finished 'work,' which had taken all day instead of the three hours it should have, and met my wife at a bar. I drank a Guinness and became chatty and philosophical. I didn't tell her about my experience as I felt I would merely be telling her I was stupid. I switched to alcoholic cider and after two of those, the 'tripping' feeling crept back, a faint flicker of the breakthrough part, not the somatic unpleasanness, and stayed with me for the next two hours, during which I was wittier than normal and made those around me laugh quite a bit.

I include this report as a note to those who want to be careful and start with a very low dose. For me, it was initially worse than tripping for the reasons I've described, yet the very late addition of alcohol did resurrect a faint glimmer of a positive psychedelic experience. I 'bracketed' a psychedelic trip with the first and final effects, while skipping the juicy middle part.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31906
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 15, 2007Views: 5,577
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Various (28)

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