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I Melted into the Couch
Citation:   Peace. "I Melted into the Couch: An Experience with Valerian (exp32053)". Jun 25, 2007.

2250 mg oral Valerian (capsule)
I love to experiment with natural herbs. I also have insomnia. So natural I tried valerian root. I didn’t actually want to sleep. I wanted to see what taking a large does would do. So at about 10 p.m. I take 5 capsules of it. I laid down on my futon couch, turned off all the lights but my walls slightly glow from the fabric I have on them.

I obviously took too much, on purpose. I lay down, ten minutes later I feel very comfy, staring at my wall, I did not feel tired at all, just lazy 15 minutes later I did not want to move at all. 20 minutes later, my wrist watch alarm goes off, but instead of bugging me, I didn’t care to move and turn it off, just laid there, 30 minutes later even lookin around was to much effort, and I felt like I was melting into the couch. Kind of like I was becoming one with it. Quite enjoyable, but not intense like being high. It is fun and cheap. Good. It relieves anxiety and depression quite well, which I suffer from.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32053
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 62,599
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Valerian (48), Dreams (85) : Alone (16), Depression (15), Health Benefits (32), First Times (2)

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