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Hardest I Have Tripped in a Long Time
Citation:   The Chemist from MIA. "Hardest I Have Tripped in a Long Time: An Experience with 2C-I (exp32195)". Aug 7, 2004.

25 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
After taking 2CI I am extremely impressed and needed to share my exprience with everyone. Its a really long high so I broke down how I felt throughout the night.

8:45pm I took the pill it was between 20-29 mg of 2CI I'm not exactly sure because my scale only weighs to the hundreth of a gram.
10:00pm Start to get this intense feeling like a incredable coke high but the only problem is I can't sit still I'm pacing around looking for things to do. Very wired feeling and am getting bored with everything.
11:00pm Tried smoking some cannibus to get rid of that good yet slightly annoying wired feeling. This helps a little but not much.
11:40pm Start to get visuals and great MDMA like body feelings. Really liking this drug and wondering why I havent really heard of it.
12:30am Visuals and MDMA like body feelings getting more and more intense so incredible. Smoke more cannibus this is the best time to smoke cannibus as my coming up really makes me feel good.
12:45am Stomach gets a little weird (I think I ate to much that day) had to take a monster crap. After that stomach didnt really bother me.

1:45am Visuals and MDMA like body feelings getting more and more intense. I'm wondering was this a bad idea because this is the hardest I have tripped in a long time and wondering if it will ever stop getting more intense. World gets totally blurry for minutes at a time which makes me really feel awesome. Smoke more cannibus hoping this will help put a cap on this peak and help level it off at this intensity. Works not very well but makes me feel really really really good.
2:30am Visuals and MDMA like body feelings level off this is the peak finally this rocket has leveled off. This feeling stays for awhile. This is where trip and rolling like feeelings are the hardest and best. Smoke more cannibus what can I say I'm a bit of a pothead I just like to smoke and its feels great.
4:15am Still at the highest point of feelings and visuals my friends and I decide we are tired of going trips to the music and decide to pop in a film. We choose 'What Dreams May Come' which I highly recomend at this point because that movie is incredible.

5:45am Starting to come down but still watching movie. Come down isnt hard its gradual. Still seeing visuals and have MDMA like feelings but less of them every couple of minutes.
6:30am Movie ends. Havent completely come down yet but seeing alot less visuals and not feeling very much MDMA like symptoms. Smoke the last of the cannibus hoping to get to sleep at some point in the day. Helps alot.
6:45am Try to go to bed but cant really stay down. Get up listen to music for about another 20 min.
7:10am I cant take it this drug was great but i cant fall alseep I'm wondering when it will end.
7:20am Finally its over for the most part and I force my self to sleep. I sleep for a long time. It was a very long night I slept till like 3pm but it was worth it.
Personally I love 2CI and think anyone who trips or rolls would really enjoy this expreince and I highly recomend it.
Much Love
The Chemist from MIA

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32195
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 7, 2004Views: 8,757
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2C-I (172) : Unknown Context (20), First Times (2)

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