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Unpredictable but Sometimes Great Fun
Citation:   wake3080. "Unpredictable but Sometimes Great Fun: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp32363)". Apr 30, 2018.

  oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
I was prescribed ambien for difficulty sleeping, and find it VERY helpful in this respect. As little as 1/3 of a 10mg tab helps me sleep when stressed or worried.

Occasionally, over the past year or so I've taken more (just before bed). 15mg on an empty stomach is usually enough to produce some interesting effects. I experience a variety of sensations... the most common is the rolling, shifting, and pulsing of inanimate objects (ceiling, walls, floors.) I often feel like the ceiling above my bed rises up like a cathedral, or sags low enough for me to touch. Sometimes I sense that the objects in my room (lamps especially) are looking at me, then looking away just as I glance at them.
I sense that the objects in my room (lamps especially) are looking at me, then looking away just as I glance at them.
I've watched characters in posters or paintings move around, and discovered weird patterns and designs in the most unlikely places. Overall it's fun and relaxing to experience...

But, more often than I would like the ambien just knocks me out. I don't know why this is, Sometimes I can have great trips that last hours, other times I can't stay awake for 15 min. The same dose on different nights can have a totally different effect.
Sometimes I can have great trips that last hours, other times I can't stay awake for 15 min. The same dose on different nights can have a totally different effect.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32363
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2018Views: 1,281
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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