Decided to Try and Smoke Some
Coca & Tobacco
Citation:   Johny. "Decided to Try and Smoke Some: An Experience with Coca & Tobacco (exp32551)". Apr 1, 2018.

  smoked Tobacco (leaves)
    smoked Coca (leaves)
Smoking Coca Leaves

I recently bought a box of a Coca Tea. The Box has a lot of Tea bags in, about 200 each.

I drink the tea many times, its effects are mild stimulation, and it causes a numbness in the mouth due to the small amount of the cocaine alcaloid in the leaves.

Anyway after I drink it many times I decided to try and smoke some of the leaves. I opened a Tea Bag and took the Crushed Coca leaves. Then I took a rolling paper and put some Coca leaves in it with some Tobacco, making a joint. I light the cigarette and begin to smoke.

After a few seconds of smoking I was beginning to feel a euphoric high and stimulation feeling, than was making me to want more. I begin to see things brighter and I felt more energetic and excited. This effects lasted about 15 - 20 minutes from the time I light the cigarette. When I finished the cigarette my mouth was felling a little numb that never happens when I smoke only Tobacco.

When I smoke cigarettes they usually calm me down, but when I mix tobacco with coca it gives me a more stimulant feeling.
The smell of the Coca Leaves smoke its not that sweet like Tobacco smoke but the feeling it gives its pretty good.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32551
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 1, 2018Views: 2,518
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