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Good Stuff
Citation:   Roach Clip. "Good Stuff: An Experience with 2C-I (exp32615)". Nov 30, 2004.

20 mg oral 2C-I (capsule)
The subject's first trial of this material was 49 hours ago. He found it to be a promising and useful tool. Comparisons to the other research chemicals sampled by the subject will be unavoidable in this report.

Approximately 20 mg (+/- 5 mg?) was isolated by graph paper cutting method of a known amount of 300 mg of a whitish 2C-I powder, and ingested in a gelcap at 5 AM. At 45 minutes to an hour, the first subtle, barely perceptible alerts were felt. The subject's frst thoughts were, “I didn’t take enough,” but of course he did. Between the first and second hour after dosing, the effects of the 2C-I gradually intensified. The subject felt only slight pressure in his stomach (which was empty at the time of the experiment). Not quite nausea. Gone before long. The subject wasn’t suddenly thrust into the effects like he had been with tryptamines (DPT, psilocybin mushrooms, AMT), instead, the subject felt led by the hand by the chemical. Whereas the other tryptamine research chemicals sampled by the subject blasted him off suddenly, 2C-I gently walked him forward. This gradual come-up was combined with a very pleasurable physical sensation. The subject's skin was sensitive to the touch. Masturbation with a spectacular orgasm was achieved at hour two, upon which time, full effects had become felt. Definite aphrodisiac.

Body sensation was most pleasurable, much less edgy than the other tryptamine research chemicals sampled by the subject. The subject compared his overall body sensation to a sustained full-body morning stretch. He stressed that throughout the experience, his body FELT wonderful, A 'Superman-like' body image was reported. The subject concluded that 2C-I is speedy, certainly, but not frustratingly so (like AMT). He was more stimulated than tweaked.

Mental effects shared many similarities to the tryptamines (DPT, psilocybin mushrooms, AMT), with a few key differences. Most noticeable was the lack of a dark side at any point in the trip. The subject never felt any of the fear common to many psychedelic drugs. Among the typical flood of thoughts these types of chemicals may prompt, none of those prompted by 2C-I were particularly negative or emotionally painful. Emotional character seemed to be a very real part of the subject's 2C-I experience. The world and its inhabitants seemed beautiful, sensual. Party stuff. By far the most social compound in the subject's research chemical experience. The extremely positive nature of 2C-I may potentially limit the range of work one can do under its influence, as not EVERY door is opened. Perhaps something can be learned from future experiments that involve darker stimulus (i.e. horror films or creepy music) to see how they can color the overwhelmingly happy hue of 2C-I.

Chatting on IRC was more enjoyable than usual for the subject. At one point, he felt sorry that he’d inadvertently steered the discussion onto drugs when someone complained, until another person called the complainer a “flower hat lady.” There were many lol’s to be had. The subject confirmed one person’s description of the effects of MDMA (particularly the emotional side) as being very much like his 2C-I mindset at the time. (The effects of MDMA were unknown to the subject. 2C-I was his first phenethylamine).

The subject was aware of visual distortions throughout the experience. They consisted of the wavering of textures, warping of edges and enhancement of color perception typical to most psychedelic drugs. Familiar posters in the room appeared brighter most likely due to pupil dilation. The subject stated that even the water he observed in our toilet bowl gave off a beautiful shimmer. He described seeing intricate patterning and he sensed an inflation of surrounding space when he closed his eyes. A music CD by a talented friend of the subject was highly pleasurable. While he found himself unable to sustain close attention to the ever-changing compositions on the disc due to his rapidly moving thoughts, he felt energized and almost got up and danced (unheard of for this particular subject). Lyrics took on deep meaning when he managed to pay attention to them.

Due to the fact that he had been awake for over 24 hours at the time, the subject chose to sleep 7 hours into the trip. The effects were waning, but he hadn’t yet returned to baseline. He still felt good, but his body was telling him it needed sleep. The subject awoke 8 hours later still feeling somewhat tired. He seemed emotionally stable following sleep, not uncharicteristically happy, yet certainly not depressed. No lingering evidence of toxicity (i.e. headache, upset stomach, etc.).

Good stuff.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32615
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 30, 2004Views: 7,766
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2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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