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The Fox Bites Back
5-MeO-DiPT, Alcohol & Nitrous Oxide
by Mao
Citation:   Mao. "The Fox Bites Back: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT, Alcohol & Nitrous Oxide (exp3262)". Erowid.org. Aug 9, 2001. erowid.org/exp/3262

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00   oral Alcohol (liquid)
  T+ 0:59   inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
I was just starting a three-day weekend, and my Foxy had arrived that morning... I was waffling between AMT, 2C-T-7 and Foxy, when I remembered that I take Paxil, so the MAOI effects of AMT could lead to some serious medical complications... With this in mind I opted for the Foxy. I didn't have access to an analytical scale anymore, I guess organic chem. lab was of some use after all; so I eyeballed what I guessed to be an even 10 mg and stuffed two capsules each with 10 mg, Big Mistake...

My friend came over at around 9 and we took the gelatin capsules... I swallowed mine, and he poured his out on his tongue since he cant swallow pills for some reason...

(T +5min.) My friend tells me that he's starting to feel weird, I consider this odd but don't really give much thought to it...

(T +20min.) My friend now tells me that he's fucked up, but that he doesn't know what he's supposed to be feeling. I tell him to just lay back and let it happen...

(T +30min.) I finally start to feel it and get the usual speedy twinges in my in my legs and arms... I become kinda restless and find that these tingly sensations make it hard to sit still... I can't say I like this sensation, but I remember it from previous experiences and remember that it always goes away after an hour or so.... My friend on the other hand, he is really really fucked up and tripping balls ... He is restless just like me and from what sentences I can get him to make I think he's having the same odd sensations... He keeps on telling me that he is very retarded....

(T +45min.) I am starting to really come up at this point, but remember the Foxy peak as only being like an hour, and tell this to my friend who is tripping very hard at this point... He tells me that he is too fucked up and doesn't know what's going on... I tell him to relax and that it will smooth out after a while...

(T +1-3hr.) I am starting to get these really intense tingling twitchy sensations all over my body, it makes getting comfortable impossible so I find myself wiggling around trying to get comfortable... The same exact thing is happening to my friend, and he is even worse in this respect than I am... My vision starts shifting and I am getting that definite tryptamine feel to things... My friend is starting to bug out and is now on the floor moving all over the place, stopping sometimes to go into some sort of trance.... He doesn't appear to be having a good time so I spend the next half hour reassuring him that everything will be alright and that it is just a powder he took and that he will be fine in a little bit... I try to get him to talk as much as possible so that he doesn't drift off and make this experience any worse... This seems to really help him, but the body load is really almost unbearable and seems even worse for my friend... I don't want him going berserk so I sit there talking to him for the next hour, which is a real drag on my trip and really prevents me from going anywhere...

The psychedelic component of this substance at these doses is VERY strong; I am getting very vivid visuals and could feel a marked amount of dissociation if it wasn't for me having to keep my friend grounded... The body load however was very very uncomfortable, and unacceptable for further research at whatever level this was... I manage to keep my friend afloat, but unfortunately am doing the same for myself in the process... My friend seems to be settling down a little as am I, but he still seems to go deep into wherever he was every couple of minutes... This is really sucking for me so I decide to swill down some beers in hopes of numbing out these odd body sensations that keep the both of us from sitting still...

I crack my beer open and take a few sips, within 5-10 minutes I really start to settle down and it seems to smooth out the body load... I neglected to mention this up to this point, but my friend had already had 3 or 4 rather severe vomiting sessions, to the point where he was just dry heaving.... He has one more and it seems to be the last of it so I give him a beer to settle him down... Fortunately it does and after a few minutes he really settles down... Visuals are still getting stronger which I find shocking

(T +4hrs-10hrs) Man, this stuff lasts much longer than I remember... We finally get some peace and we both just relax for a few minutes... I notice how weird my friend is looking so I start laughing at him... He looks at me and starts ripping into me about how strange I look... We go back and forth ripping on each other with the laughter growing to a hysterical level... We start going insane with laughter and are both having a great time... this is how it should have been from the beginning, but my friend had to go and become a pussy and freak out or was it that I had to eyeball this stuff and overdose my friend, we each had a different opinion about whose fault it was... We start drinking heavily and after a while he asks me to sprinkle some more of the stuff on his tongue, I tell him NO emphatically and he keeps trying to get me to give him more... I don't relent, but we do continue drinking and drinking and when the beer ran out we started doing some whippets, once those run out I cook up some pasta shit and we eat and sleep...

(Next Day) I wake up the next day feeling slightly tired but surprisingly all right for all that drinking... I am still off baseline and continue getting some visuals for the next 12 hours, after another day of heavy drinking I manage to sleep early...

WOW, this stuff sure has the potential to be an ass-kicking psychedelic... I have taken it before, but this new batch has a brilliant white/clear crystalline glassy look to it and looks like it is of much higher quality/potency than the last batch I obtained... don't know if this had much to do with it but I do know that eyeballing it was a big mistake, in retrospect it could have been 20 mg or even more, who knows!! The body load however was unbearable and you won't catch me trying this stuff at such high doses ever again... All in all a lesson in not being cheap and going out and purchasing a scale, this material was relatively forgiving for such an overdose, but you won't catch me doing that again for a while...

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3262
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 9, 2001Views: 10,692
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Alcohol (61), 5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), Overdose (29)

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