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Extremely High Quality, Maybe To Good
Citation:   Ganggus. "Extremely High Quality, Maybe To Good: An Experience with LSD (exp32645)". Jan 18, 2018.

.5 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
Back in October, of 03 me and a friend wanted to try out this acid I got from my dude that looked pretty good. We only had one blotter,. So we split it in half and dropped them around 12:15a.m.. Now that I think about it and remember what the trip was like, I dont think it was such a smart idea to take it so late. Due to the surroundings and that it was dark out. The first hour after I felt it, every thing was amazing. I was laughing non-stop for no particular reason.

To this day I wish I could go back to that night and stop may mind form thinking about things that should have never been on my mind when taking acid (note, that this was my first acid experience). When tripping I thought about how I had to work the next day and I needed to get some sleep. Beginning my first time I didn't know about this. When trying to sleep, I was tossing and turning, and my mind wouldn't stop thinking. I began to get on the subject of work and thought,' o no' what if I never fall asleep and I'm like this at work. This thought began to led into other thoughts like if I'm going to be high at work then I'm probably going to be like this forever. This was the point were my thoughts got way to intense, and the trip became bad. I was confused and didn't know what I wanted to do, all I was thinking about was ' is this ever goin to end.' My other friend who I had taken the acid with didn't really feel it to strong because he had done acid before, so he was trying to clam me down and tell me that it was just a drug and it will end eventually. In my head I thought he was lying to me and I still believed I was goin to be on a permanent acid trip to hell.

Like I said earlier it looked like some good acid, and it definitely was. The trip had lasted from about 12:45a.m.-8:00a.m.. This is the usually length of acid trips, but keep in mind that I only took 1/2 a blotter.

The next day after the experience I was finally done tripping, but coming down felt very weird. My body felt heavy and my thoughts were blurry.

The main reason I wrote this, was to let everyone no what had happened to me the next 5 months, after my experience. Also keep in mind that my girlfriend at the time I had been dating for over a year and she was extremely against real drugs. So when I took the acid I was hiding it from her. The thought of going behind her back , and feeling guilty about what I had done, may have triggered what happened to me, but I will never no what truly caused it. I began to feel very distant from others and had that nervous felling in my stomach almost all the time. I also began to feel like nothing mattered, and strongly depressed. But these weren't even close to the worst parts of it. I began to feel like I had no emotions, when ever something funny, or good would happen I felt like I didn't notice it, or like I didn't matter. I also became nervous when talking to people I had known all my life, and when I would look at people I didn't like keeping any sort of eye contact. Many of my friends at school noticed something different about me, and that I didn't even seem like the same person. I lost many friends because of the way it made me act. My mind felt the same way. It felt like I wasn't me any more, which made me want to die.

Like I said these feelings lasted for 5 months, and I remember crying many times wishing and praying that it would all end, and I could have my normal life back.

I'm glad to say that these feelings have left me and I back to my normal state. I think the reason I stopped felling like this was because I broke up with my gf, and I no longer felt guilty.

Thanx to anyone how spend their time reading this, I hope it has helped any one that has had this happen to them before to no that there not the only one, like I thought I was. I hope no one ever has to go threw what I did, because I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 32645
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2018Views: 1,073
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