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Better than Claritin
2C-I & Cannabis
Citation:   seedsofchance. "Better than Claritin: An Experience with 2C-I & Cannabis (exp32797)". Nov 1, 2004.

T+ 0:00
17 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:20   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 2:30   smoked Tobacco  
  T+ 4:00 4.0 mg insufflated 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:59   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 5:00 5.0 mg insufflated 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 14:30 3.0 mg oral Melatonin (pill / tablet)
One evening I was at my friends gig and I met a friend of his who was tripping on something. I asked him what it was and he said 2c-i. That sparked my interest because I have always wanted to try 2c-b now not that available. Upon conversation I learned it was one of Shulgins babies. So push came to shove, I acquired some for research.

It was a cold and cloudy Monday morning (soon to change). My wife went to work and I was up at 7 am in nervous anticipation of the day's events.

At 7:30 -- Zero hour, I took the pre-measured gel cap of 17mg, dumped it into a glass of purified water and chased it down. I know it was exactly 17mg because I weighed it myself on a very accurate lab scale. One that went as low as 0.0001g...AND brand spanking new. (Hey I don't like to mess around.) It was only slightly bitter, enough to know it was present. In about 0:15 I felt uneasy. Slighty nauseated would be the correct term. And from my reading/study of the effects, this was something to be expected. So I made some tea but didn't help.

0:45+ I could not believe what was happening. For a minute I had a spot of fear because things started to move a little. Mushroom-like movement. I didn’t think I would feel anything at all by now. Also felt like the first onset of some mdma. I read many a report and even gave some to a friend who tested it. Both where consistent, nothing serious felt for 2 hours, however I did feel and see something. Weird thing was it subsided a bit. I could still feel its presence. Very mild. (side note) I believe the effects do take place before 2 hours, it is just so subtle that most people would not perceive it as anything.

0:50+ I needed to get some things at the store before it really moves in me. I don’t normally do this but felt comfortable driving. It was only slightly odd to do so and I was in complete control. I felt slightly floaty, that was all, more clarity coming. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
1:00+ In the store felt like I was stoned on pot but wasn't. I smoked nothing to this point. Noticed things are clean looking, sharp. I could walk ok, function well. Got my things even did an eye check in the mirror at the makeup stand, all looked normal.

1:10+ By this time I was not feeling very well in the stomach department. Very nauseated. So much I barfed in the parking lot when back at the car. I didn’t feel any better afterwards. Actually it was quite annoying. I could feel the effects coming on stronger but a subtle incline. Barely ++. And I mean barely.

1:20 got home driving feels a little stranger. I had no problems though and I think if I got pulled over I could pull it off. Anyway walking was a bit more weird, especially up the stairs. Decide to kick it up a notch, so I smoke some bud.

1:30 finally kicks in strong ++ for sure maybe even 3. Still nauseated at this point feeling like if it does not go away I will hate this stuff. But I was feeling a bit better. Mild visual distortions, very mild. Much energy but also relaxed. Things are very clean, reminded me of the Claritin commercials where everything was sharp and clean and extremely green. Fine edges on everything.

2:00 I went to lay down. Feeling a bit chilled. Finally the nauseated feeling is going away I can enjoy myself more. Lying under the covers was quite nice. I lie with eyes closed. Only slight CEV. It was more like a tease of LSD. Imagination was stronger still no deep thoughts. I did see some art like images but it was more mental imagination then actual CEVs. But slight CEVs. Took a shower felt much better.

2:30 feeling good now, no more nausea maybe very slight. I am most thankful at this point because I hate that sick feeling. Smoked a cigar, that was enjoyable. The sun was coming out finally. I walked out on the deck. Nothing was moving and I felt speedy, however I was enjoying myself. I felt good was getting better. I did noticed that everything, the trees, the flowers, the birds and the sky was extremely clean and clear and getting more clear. Things where in bloom and my senses heightened for sure.

My body felt similar to LSD but the mind was fairly clear. Again no real deep thoughts, more contemplating what this substance is and if it was worth any effort trying it.

3:00 Definite erotic push. I could feel it down below. So I decide to experiment in the sex department. OK I masturbated, wife was working, what else could I do? At first not much but that changed really fast. I didn’t last more then about 3 minutes and I wanted to push to explode. The orgasm was great! So much I wanted to do it again as soon as I could. This is a great sex enhancer at least for me. More play. I had a lot of stamina the second time. A lot of control. Getting it up again was never a problem. Great orgasms. I suggest go slow if you can.

3:30 body tingles like mdma. Feeling good but I felt no major euphoric sensation. Nor deep personal thoughts. Mind was still fairly clear. I did notice something interesting. I have allergies pretty bad, spring time is not my favorite time of year. Much is in bloom now. However not one ounce of them, and why I say better than Claritin. I even took deep breaths through my nose. Not one itch.

4:00 Now I felt as if I was coming down. So I decided to insufflate some more. I eyeball out what I would believe to be about 3-5 mg. Not a good idea for the inexperienced but I remember how heavy this stuff is when I weighed it. Up the nose it goes. No real burn I did feel a warmth in my brain. Came back up fairly fast like 20 minutes or so it seemed. Took a shower. Felt great, nice body tingles, the water felt nice. At first I was concerned because it came back on fairly fast as opposed to 2 hours. Perhaps because I am sensitive to delics. I also smoked a little herb which was part of it, cause I wanted to push things a bit.

5:00 about the same as before. Things really clear. Erotic push to some degree but controllable. If I want it great if I didn't great. Not much visual movement, slight. Music was clear no real audible changes. I decided to insufflate a little more. Did about another 5mg. A little stronger, not much. I think higher doses would have more visuals, next time will start with 20mg. General feeling of wellbeing. Slight cross between LSD and MDMA more like similar attributes. Some body rushes but not major.

6:00 Things crystal clear as usual. Sun is shining, and I am in complete control. A little hungry by now, did not have anything to eat since the night before. Decide to take a ride get some food. I felt confident to drive again. Surprisingly pupils where fairly normal however I did not feel like they where. Went to the beach but only drove by it because I was so hungry. Or I knew I was. I got to the store and I noticed something I read in other reports. That is a slight metallic overtone to everything. The pavement was kind of shinny, ever so slight. Got back home again. We have a picture of SF with amazing detail. I looked as if it was a window view, looking over the city. Edges very sharp, cleaner detail then normal.

7-8:00 coming down again. Wife will be home soon. I am feeling fairly normal with a slight hint of the substance in me. Slight after glow if you would call it that. I was tired but resting was not all that difficult. Watched some TV. Made some more food. Eating no problem, food taste great.

My wife and I talked a bit. She said I seemed very relaxed, and happy. Maybe a bit more open then usually and a better mood. I felt the same aside from the obvious activities.

Went to bed like at 11:00 pm. Sleep was shallow not deep at first. It was more like my dreams where vivid which I felt like I was kind of awake. Kept tossing and turning. I finally got up and took 3mg melatonin and that did it, I was out deep.

Getting up the next day was a bit tough, only cause I did not want to go back to work. I feel a little different not completely normal. But OK. Very mild feeling I did something the day before.

End Thoughts:

Would I do it again? Well given I have some hits left I would say yes. Not sure I would get more though. Perhaps a higher dose would be better for me. We are all so different. The nausea was a bit of a load which I hated but did subside eventually. Would like to try it with my wife. I think I probably would be more interested in other substances. 2c-c or maybe 2c-e. Definitely Iprocin. Maybe a combo. Pot works well with it. If you are looking for a visual thing probably higher doses would produce more of that effect, to early to say. It is subtle in the way it comes on and the way it treats you aside from nausea. Great for first time trippers provided the correct dose. I believe it could be a powerful substance, only not a good tool for self repair. It came in waves but that is typical for me, even for mdma. Sometimes I thought I was close to baseline but a minute later was different.

From 1-10 I give it maybe a 7. Mdma would be a 10. LSD a 9. Pot a 10 only cause I love a good toke. Mush is a 9 because of that same ol nausea thing. I think it is a good sex enhancer. Delics also have that effect on me. I believe it is fairly safe. I also believe it would be easy to re-dose and over do it given the subtle nature of it. I was surprised that up the nose came on fairly quick. I was already sensitive at that point, maybe that is why.

We are all so different don't asume you will have the same experience as me. Which was more the manageable. If you play it safe, you will be able to play again. Word to the wise.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32797
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2004Views: 21,846
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2C-I (172) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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