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Ideas Flowed Faster
Citation:   DancingLavoisier. "Ideas Flowed Faster: An Experience with Cocaine (exp32826)". Sep 7, 2007.

1 bump insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
Recently, I had my first experience with cocaine. For a long time, I had held that I would never do blow, but some turned up when I was hanging out and smoking pot with a few friends. I was initially hesitant, but finally decided to agree to do a bump. The dose was dispensed in the recessed filter of a Parliament ciggarette, I do not have a mg-based approxamation.

The substance was a very white powder. Almost immidiately upon snorting it, I could feel a slight rush. This quickly progressed, over the course of 1-2 minutes, to feeling 'high'. The cocaine high is like nothing I have ever experienced. It is not incapacating, and does not alter my perceptions as strongly as LSD or even marijuana. When I was high, I became very, very talkative, developed nervous ticks (foot-tapping, blinking often), and was elated. This lasted for about one hour, with effects noticably lessening as time progressed. After 45 minutes, there was a notable desire for more coke; it quickly became apparent why coke is often referred to as the most 'more-ish' drug. I did not use any more coke, feeling that it would be unwise at best.

Cocaine's effects on perception are unusual. Everything seemed a little more cohesive than it usually does, things made sense without my having to question them, and ideas flowed faster and with more impact than they usually do. I will probably do cocaine again, as it was highly enjoyable, but the health risks and its addictive nature make me hesitant to use it more than very rarely. I think I may invest in a few doses on my birthday every year, and leave it at that.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32826
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 7, 2007Views: 8,007
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Cocaine (13) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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