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I Think It Is Overrated
Citation:   Aaron Michael. "I Think It Is Overrated: An Experience with Cocaine (exp32870)". Jun 25, 2007.

  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  2 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I acquired a gram of supposedly really great coke for $50. I sold half to a buddy, and kept the other half.

After playing some Texas hold-em and drinking a few beers, we decided to go out to the back porch and try some out. I was with two others ('M' and 'B') who had done it more than once, and this would be my first time... aside from trying some numbies. I was nervous as hell, and as 'M' cut up a few lines I was debating whether or not to just forget about doing it at all. I watched 'M' start off with two lines and tried to psych myself up for it. 'M' went to retrieve his cigarettes, and while he was gone I put half a line in each nostril.

After a minute I could feel a growing excitement in me, but nothing too major. By this time 'B' came out and did two lines himself, and I took one more from his. 'M' came back and said that this was the best coke he had ever had, or close to it. Just as I lit a cigarette it began to hit me.

It's hard to explain exactly how I felt. First of all, I was expecting some major energy and whatnot. It was in fact very opposite that for me. All I wanted to do was just chill sitting there with a cigarette. I didn't even want to stand up. I was extremely relaxed but very talkative. I talked, and talked, and talked. Both 'M' and 'B' didn't get a word in. I had a strange but pleasurable body buzz that was comparable to peaking off ecstasy, just warm rushes from my brain to my toes.

Over the course of about fifteen minutes the coke kept hitting me harder and harder. Every time I thought I was starting to come down it just came on more intense than before, but the whole time I kept saying to myself 'this is it? This is what all the damn excitement is about?'. We smoked a bowl, and all 'M' and 'B' could comment was that this coke was so strong. To be honest, I wasn't really that impressed. For all the anxiety surrounding the event of me actually trying it, it was nothing to get worked up about... yeah it was nice, but the fact that the good part lasted maybe only twenty minutes just made it seem pointless.

As I came back down, I felt absolutely no need for more. I felt some slight nausea and my brain felt exhausted. Just thinking about the possibility of doing more made me want to vomit because I don't think I could or would want to handle any more. The best way I could relate the comedown was similar to the feeling I had coming down from a bad shroom trip - empty and tired.

I went home and tried to pass out in bed but it was like my mind was wide awake while my body was asleep. Every cell in my body was screaming out... not for coke, for sleep. Every time I'd close my eyes I'd have some vivid mental imagery going on. I got up a few times thinking I might throw up, and grabbed a trashcan just in case. So I was feeling pretty shitty at this point, more physically then mentally. Once again I toyed with the idea of 'what if I go do another line' just to see how my mind/body might react, and the thought just made me feel more tired. I eventually got to sleep and had some very vivid dreams. When I woke up, I had no desire for any more coke.

Overall, I think cocaine is a little too overrated. From what I hear this was the best coke anyone had done, and I wasn't that impressed. Watching my friends sit there on it and just look around nervously and not talk at all, waiting for the high to taper off so they can do more made me feel sort of disgusted. Could I do it again? Yes. Do I want to? Eh.... it depends. Maybe under a extremely different setting, like alone with my girlfriend. Although I'd rather save myself $30 and just buy some ecstasy to get the same effects but longer lasting. I didn't want more even if you paid me; with all the big scare of addiction or even the temptation of more, I don't think it's worth the risk.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32870
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 6,441
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Cocaine (13) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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