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Pitch Black
Citation:   Neurotoxin. "Pitch Black: An Experience with 2C-E (exp32890)". Mar 14, 2005.

30 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
I'd been looking forward to this night a lot, I've had two other experiences with 2C-E, one at 10mg and one at 20, but the atmosphere and the higher dosage intensified the trip 10 fold.

I mixed 30mg of 2C-E in water, my friend J 20mg of 2C-E. The water had a funny taste but nothing too bad. J and myself decided to watch tv until we began coming up.

+0. 30-Minor effects noticed, feeling slight energy push and body load, minor starry effects briefly in random parts of vision. First signs of stomach discomfort apparent.

+0. 35-Feelings of tiredness and laziness as if my muscles are to weak to do anything. This passes fairly quickly.

+0. 45-Consant shifting of stomach, and discomfort, medium amount of nausea but nothing to offputting apart from the taste of bile at back of throat, boady load feels very heavy at back of neck, like a warm pain. Minor tracers noticed. Energy push quite large.

+1. 00-Nausea gets fairly heavy, friend J has dry heaves, visuals starting to grow prominent with small patterns appearing on things and tracers lasting a lot longer.
(times may not be accurate from 1 hour onwards)

+1. 30-We decide to head to my room, turn off the lights, throw on some entheogenic and lie on my bed. Visuals everywhere, patterns, colours, swirls everything going crazy. I feel as if im melting into the bed and my room has become extremely tall and my bed is falling through the floor and stretching.

+1. 50-Entheogenic forms amazing mindscapes and visuals, the pitch black room begins changing into other landscapes, underwater, in a desert, very tribal. Music heavily influences the visuals on this substance, they flow perfectly with it. I visit amazing alien like landscapes all while lying on my bed in the pitch black.

+2. 10-So many emotions, colours and feelings I cannot even begin to explain. The 2C-E envelopes everyone of my senses. I see bright lights in the pitch black, colours flowing through my curtains witch I cant even see, Entheogenic ends, I turn on the lights. BOOM, fractals everywhere again though no where near as enveloping as when in the darkness.

+2. 20-I stare into the mirror in my room, my faces rots, morphs and shifts, becomes old and saggy, tribal shamanic patterns become imbedded in my face, I stare into my massive pupils in the mirror, I feel as if im being sucked into them, I see the reflection of myself in my pupils in my mirror, im looking at myself, doing gestures, moving around, all in my black pupils.

+2. 40-I throw on some Shpongle, and stare at my white walls, patterns in them everywhere, like arabic writing or some unknown language, I read another report with someone describing a simmilar thing, perhaps a unique characteristic of 2C-E? A Bright green light shines through the writing, my poster on the wall moves as if it is alive, things become sharp in detail then blurry.

+3. 00-I Turn off the lights again, and lie back on my bed, the experience is still as amazing as before, my friend J is also having an amazing experience, there are points when you go from complete warping of reality back to feeling nearly sobre.

+3. 30-I Begin staring into the dark trying to see something other then the patterns, evil things appear, snakes, shadows with red eyes, entangling screaming bodies, I'm not the least bit fazed by this I actually enjoy it, I cycle through all my fears and make them appear in the dark, I try to see how far I can take it, it feels as if I've destroyed a lot of the fears I've had, one of the thereaputic values I experienced.

+4. 00-I begin exploring mountains again, living in a hut, staring at flowing patterns in the blackness, a centre point with colours flowing into it many others flowing around it, bright colours, so many colours I cannot even begin to explain it.

+4. 30-The visuals become a secondary thing as if I've become so use to them I barely notice, im doing a lot of deep thinking, lots of philisophical thoughts. There are marks on my wall, they seem like the seems of reality splitting with strange colours coming through them. A holographic image appears on my wall, of a fox with 3 heads.

+5. 00-Watch some TV, voices are warped, very high pitched, then very low, faces morhping, shows and movies are very intense, it is as if you are in the movie or it is real.

+5. 30-Being coming down.

+6. 00-Begin sobering up, no regrets and feeling great. No Hangover as usual.

I sleep for 6 hours and wake up feeling refreshed but tired. Overall this was an amazing experience and a very interesting compound, I reccomend it to everyone, though if you can't control your mind I'd advise sticking to low doses, the evil horror images in the dark could be very disturbing and traumatic to someone who lacks the ability to control such things and not be put off by them.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32890
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 14, 2005Views: 9,493
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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