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King of the World
Citation:   Besesco. "King of the World: An Experience with 2C-I (exp32945)". Dec 1, 2007.

33 mg oral 2C-I
Once deciding to take this new chemical, my friends and I became anxious as to what reports we had heard. Never having done chemical based psychedelics, I researched and decided 2C-I was the chemical to try. Each of us mixed 33 mg into a small glass of water and chugged away – there wasn't any taste to the water at all, which was a major plus. However, later I found residue on my table which I licked, and to say the least 2C-I is very bitter, my face contorted as though I had just eaten a lime. The taste didn't linger long though and soon we were on our way. At 55 minutes into our trip I began to see mild hillucinations, a friend told us the trip made you feel tired and very relaxed. He said we wouldn't want to move around much because our legs would 'feel like concrete'. He couldn't have been more wrong.

At an hour and thirty minutes I began to feel overly energized, which was odd since I had worked earlier in the day and was on three hours of sleep from the night before. After jumping around my apartment for twenty minutes more friends arrived to see how we were doing. I tried to explain in words the joy I felt, yet I found a visual example would be sufficient. Now I am as you can see by my weight a larger man. This, however, had no bearing tonight as to what I could do. I moved to my staircase and stood on the first step to explain where they were in relation to where we were on our trip. I took one step up and told them this was where we were at an hour, then I told them the feeling seemed to be building more and more intense. My friend asked where he thinks I'd be (on the stairs) in an hour. I thought for a moment and leaped forward. Normally jumping three steps would be difficult, but I was able to jump five steps and land it with little difficulty.

After laughing our asses off at my crazy ability we decided to step outside and enjoy the great weather. We sat on a cement pillar for nearly three hours and watched as lines of tiny rainbows painted the sky and everything else we observed. The visuals were comparable to shrooms, except when shrooming if I stare directly at the object which is transforming it tends to morph back into its original state. Not on 2C-I, the visuals would continue to dance and change as we observed various objects. At four hours into the trip we had gone back inside the house and were playing Halo. I expected playing this game to be very difficult, yet I found no difficulty in whooping the sober guy's ass over and over.

Once we had finished playing our sober friends decided to go to a large party on the other side of town. My two friends and I decided that with them gone it would be an excellent time to stare at the wall. My wall was a large brick wall with various colors and textures on each brick. We stared at the wall for nearly an hour examining each brick and discussing the patterns we saw. Peculiarly we would see similar patterns – something I didn't expect. I remember talking with my buddies about how if I was capable of drawing or painting the magnificent pictures I was seeing I would be a famous artist in days. I believe we would have stared longer at the wall but our discussion of the bricks was interrupted when two lovely ladies came over. I found it impossible to describe how great I felt to them as I was peaking on my trip.

I'm still unsure how the topic came up, but we began talking about how cool my jacket was. The next thing I know one of the girls (we'll call her L) took my jacket and ran upstairs away from us. Moments later she came down the stairs with wet hair and my jacket on... Only my jacket on. The other girl started acting giddy (we'll call her K). The next thing we know the girls have taken my camera and a full roll of film upstairs for 'surprise photos'. The three of us guys couldn't believe this was actually happening. After half an hour they were still upstairs when I heard L and K yell for me to come see them. As soon as I entered the room I beheld two girls wearing thongs and my dress shirts. I thought I was hillucinating because I never thought to be in this position. They told me they had taken a few photos (7 so far), but needed a cameraman to take pictures of the two of them. With the visuals coming off the brick wall and them standing in front of it for a good background I was unsure the pictures would even turn out. By the way they did, and they rock. Then we went back downstairs where the other guys had been forced to wait.

We ran around more outside and enjoyed the immense energy I had been feeling. L handed me an empty beer bottle and told me to take care of it. Suddenly, I had an intense urge to run down into the drainage ditch. As I took off running toward the ditch, someone commented on how they had seen someone earlier walking through the ditch. 'I'll get him!' I yelled as I ran down the ditch with beer bottle in hand. I wasn't serious about catching the bastard, but as soon as my feet hit the concrete I was in another world. I remember crouching down and moving slowly through the brush which hung over on one side of the ditch. I remember imagining myself being in Vietnam trying to hunt down Charlie. Once I came to an opening in the brush, where my friends could still see I hollered 'Get Some!' like the helicopter gunner off 'Full Metal Jacket'. I then chunked the bottle down the ditch like a grenade and watched as it partially shattered on the ditch close to my apartment. I then ran down as fast as I could and picked up the unshattered part of the bottle and through it again. This was more fun then I could ever imagine. I then stopped with the Vietnam act and went inside to get a broom and dustpan.

Cleaning up glass in the dark, while tripping is hard as hell, but it had to be done. Even though I was tripping very hard, I still had a sense of responsibility to not endanger others or myself. We chilled outside till the sun began to come up and we returned back to look at the wall one last time as our trip came to an end. An hour later I felt very mellow and relaxed, which allowed me to sleep for a few hours before I had to return to work... and develop the photos. I never had a horrifying or scary experience the entire trip.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32945
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 1, 2007Views: 4,484
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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