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Experience with Telazol (tiletamine/zolazapam
Tiletamine & Zolazepam
Citation:   anonymous. "Experience with Telazol (tiletamine/zolazapam: An Experience with Tiletamine & Zolazepam (exp32990)". Oct 6, 2006.

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  IV Pharms - Tiletamine (liquid)
    IV Pharms - Zolazepam (liquid)
Telazol veteriary perparation in one of the most pleaant sensations there is for me pesonally.
50mg/ml when prepared properly

This pleasant sensatoin could be due to the fact that this particular preparation has a very rapid onset due to the IV route of administration. Add to that the fact that the Zolazepam likely mellows the effects, especially those of the latter stages.

I first became aware of Telazol as a praticing veterinarian. It was used or certain anesthetic protocols due to its saftey margins and efficacy. Which the exceptions of long term repeated use, the effect is rather pleasantand has only minor after effect. With prolonged administration, especially at higher levers, the effect can become quite difficult to deal with with regard to the time it takes to come down to normal (ie days for certain higher dosages), and I certainly would not recomment exceeding the the 25mg dose until you are extremely confident in what your system can handle.

Exp Year: 1997ExpID: 32990
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 6, 2006Views: 4,277
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