1/52 of a Life Awake
Citation:   Divine_Intervention. "1/52 of a Life Awake: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp33011)". Erowid.org. Oct 31, 2018. erowid.org/exp/33011

  repeated smoked Methamphetamine
Looking back on that week, I couldn't say I didn;t have some fun, but more or less it was addiction that kept me going for that week. If I look back on the week as a whole I can remember talking with my friends as the sun went up and down in the sky. I remember taking over three hundred dollars out of my bank account to support mine and maybe some others supply.

It was about three months since I started meth and I realized that I hadn't been to any of my classes in a while and I was never home anymore. I had lost only five pounds since those three months ago more or less because I let myself have a night of sleep every two nights of being awake. Going down to Sac had become routine and didn't seem as dangerous as it had before. We go down, wait for a while until we see the guy we know and usually it was my friend who got out and goes and does the exchange.

The first night I remember like any other with us stayin' up and gettin all twacked out and talkin and makin' our inventions consisting of glass meth bongs and multi-hitter meth bongs. I didn't usually make them but my friend was really into it. I just liked to talk. That is what made me happy when I was spun. When I was coming down, I just wanted more.

Sooner or later it was the next night and we were running low so we made the call and the arrangement was made for 5 AM the next morning. All was well until the third night I was thinkin I should try and sleep but I hadnt stopped in the morning so I knew it would be hard so I said screw it and ended up stopping on the fourth day morning and tried to sleep that night because I figured I would goto class the next day. I layed in bed that night alone in my room turning my head over one second and looking back and hours passed. The night went on like that until it was time to goto school and I felt like crap. I took a hot shower because my feet are always cold when I'm spun. It seemed to help wake me up a little.

So I went to class and did the best I had done on a test that year. Then I went to my health and fitness class and our teacher wanted us to run for thirty minutes, so I told I was not feeling well because I can't run when I've been up for that long or I get very light headed and I can feel my heart pound harder than ever. An experience I had felt the first time I was up for two nights and I decided I would take a run. Bad idea.

Anywayz I got off school and decided I needed an upper and smoked a good sized crystal and I felt great again and on top of the world. Soon enough I was at my buddies house again and he asked if I had a good nights sleep and I told him what had happened and he said that was good because he stays up three and four days at a time too. I said well this is the fifth day and I'm not going to sleep tonight.

The sixth morning came and the sun was up again and it was halloween and I had work, so I was spun all night through work and went home and snorted a line in each nostril and headed to my friends house where a party was happening. We stayed up talking smoking bowl after bowl of meth until everyone was gone and in the morning I had work so I went and I got off around 6 PM and headin back over to my friends house where I felt the most tired I had ever felt in my life. My body was moving with the most effort and I decided I was going to sleep tonight. I didn't actually get to sleep till 12 that night and then I awoke at 5 PM the next day. I went home and 6 hours later at 11 pm fell asleep and woke up at 12 the next day.

A couple months after that I stopped and now about 4 or 5 months later here I am. Did it like a month ago but that was it and I get cravings all the time but I didnt have a life then and what I did have was dissapearing. I have never done a more addicting drug than Meth. And I have done nearly them all. Just a warning to all the ones who want to try it. Other than that have a great time and GOD SPEED ;)

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 33011
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 31, 2018Views: 1,480
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Methamphetamine (37), Sleep Deprivation (140) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Multi-Day Experience (13), Various (28)

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