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I'll Never Do That Again
by Nick
Citation:   Nick. "I'll Never Do That Again: An Experience with Fentanyl (exp33013)". Apr 23, 2004.

10 mg transdermal Pharms - Fentanyl (patch)
I've Currently been able to buy Duragesic Fentanyl patches. I stick them on and they last for 72 hrs. A few times I've just opened the patch and ate the gel out. When I eat the gel it comes on very strong. I get very itchy, and I get so relaxed that I dont wanna move once I lay down. That’s with the 2.5mg patches. A few days ago I got a 10mg patch and put it on my skin. It took about 6 hrs before I had any noticeable effects. The first day wasn't very strong I felt good euphoria and relaxation. The next day when I woke up it was like the best sleep I've ever had. The second I got out of bed I felt really dizzy and when outside to get some air. Then I threw up (keep in mind almost everytime I do painkillers I get sick).

Throughout the day it got more intense. It comes on in waves it feels really strong sometimes then others it seems lessened. My vision keeps getting blurry and I have to blink often. If I don't it feels too strong and I get dizzy. I was able to work that day I did throw up at least 10 times. Everytime I drank anything I would throw it up. I could hold down some water, it’s bad to because its hot at my work. I woke up the next morning extreamly dizzy and very sick I couldn't stop gagging and throwing up stomach acid. Also I got a pounding head that was just horrorable. I don't understand how one can have a headache on a painkiller. I was the scambling for the back to stick the patch back on to. I couldn't take it anymore that was just to much for me. I'll never do that again I guess I shouldn't fuck with patches that are made for cancer patients. I just wanted to try the most powerful painkiller in the world.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33013
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 23, 2004Views: 50,136
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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