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Let's Get Drunk
Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Captain Codie. "Let's Get Drunk: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp33252)". Oct 27, 2006.

  oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Before this experience, the only time I ever drank alcohol it was in reasonable amounts. Nothing more then a few glasses of wine at a holiday event or a beer with my friends. But I was fourteen years old, and I was so curious to see what would happen if I got really drunk.

It all happened because my friend R invited me to spend the night at her house. We smoked cigarettes all day, and when night came, we tried to go to sleep. It was 3 o'clock in the morning when I suddenly said, 'Let's get drunk!'

It took a while, but I finally convinced R that we should go for it. We walked over to the bar she has in her basement, and I took a seat on the stool as she brought out a large bottle of vodka. She mixed about four shots of vodka with cranberry juice, and poured it into a large glass.

We both took turns drinking from it. When it was all gone, I was feeling warm and happy and a definite mood lift! I was laughing easily at anything R said. This, of course, was not enough. I wanted to get plastered!

So, R took a bottle of Cinnamon Schnapps from the fridge, and two different shot glasses. She poured us each a shot, and then counted down. We both downed our shots at the same time, and then repeated the process. She was putting the bottle back into the fridge when I begged her for two more shots. My speech was slightly slurred, but I don't think she noticed.

Both of us downed two more shots. It tasted like Hot Tamales! Very strong. I got off the stool and immediately took a seat onto the floor. R laid down on the couch and I tried to talk to her, but she was drifting in and out of sleep, and I was trying desperately to keep her awake.

'R, don't fall asleep, please don't,' I begged her, like a child. Everything seemed to mean much more than it usually would. Topics in my mind made me so emotional! I was thinking about how glad I was that R was my friend, she was so nice, etc.

I would look from R to the wall, and it was as if I was seeing things in slow motion. My vision would be slow, and as a consequence, have to 'catch up with itself' when I stopped looking around so fast. I found this insanely interesting, and proceeded to move my head really fast. It was difficult to focus on anything, almost like everything in my line of vision was blurry.

Finally, I got up to use the bathroom and I had SUCH a hard time walking. I felt so sad when I knocked off a wall decoration trying to make my way to the bathroom. I was stumbling over my own feet, walking into walls, closing the door on myself. It wasn't pretty.

Eventually I found my way back to the room and I ended up laying down on the couch. R had already fallen asleep, so I tried to do the same. The last thing I remember is thinking to myself with my words jumbled up. Then, I woke up.

I had blacked out!

Or at least I thought I did. Maybe I just fell asleep, I thought. I wasn't sure. I quickly sat up, wondering what had happened and how long I had been asleep. I began to panic, so I just rested myself back onto the couch and tried to sleep.

I woke up later that day with a pounding headache and a dire need for a can of Coca Cola.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 33252
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 27, 2006Views: 12,524
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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