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Aliens in Motion
Citation:   D NYC. "Aliens in Motion: An Experience with LSD (exp33279)". Nov 18, 2007.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
LSD also known as acid is something I’ve been intrigued by for a long time. I’ve done tons of research and was fully prepared for anything the drug could throw at me. Finally, on April 01, 2004 I got to experience it first hand. Around 6:50pm my girlfriend and I took exactly 1 full tab of acid each. We were in the backseat of my cousin’s car going down to Battery Park to see a music festival show or just a small gathering of people to play music, unfortunately by the time we got there they were all gone and the music was all over. At about 7:30 or 40 minutes after taking the drug I felt completely relaxed and calm maybe a little warm but still did not feel the affect of the drug. About 8pm my muscles become like Jell-O. I was fully sunk to the car seat, laughing uncontrollably at a picture my girlfriend drew (Almost marijuana-high like laughter). However, at this point the drug still has not taking control.

At about 8:45-9pm, close to 2 hours after digesting the acid tabs I was still in a very relaxed state listening to some full on trance when my girlfriend told me when she was focusing on the cars turning they were merging into one another and the light poles lights were leaving long streaks as we drove by. Right after she said that, I focused on the taillights of a new 2003 Lincoln Town car that was standing in front of us and to my surprise the black lines started wiggling like worms crawling down the tail lights. Immediately I pulled out my new VM4050 phone and started to look at the psychedelic wallpapers I had put on it the night before and sure enough they were all alive and moving. The pictures were making sense, I felt like this was the way the artists intended it for us. One picture I remember was of a big eye placed in the center surrounded by hundreds of tiny eyes. When I focused this particular picture all the small eyes literally started to rotate around the slightly vibrating center eye and everything came in sync.

At this point we decided to drive to my house and go to my room where I have a fairly good Stereo system, two 48 inch black lights, black light poster of an alien, and the ceiling partially covered with stars forming random clusters. The second we entered the house I felt a hallow emptiness to the quietness of the house. I had a physical need for music, specifically trance. So we all went up to my room, threw on some new Psychedelic trance disc which turned out to be one of the best cds I’ve heard in a long time and lied on my bed. I first stared at my candle which seemed to give off this beautiful light but then I started noticing that as the music become more intense the candle become much brighter. The candle was in tune with the music and its light output was directly connected to the sound flowing from the speakers. After staring at the candle for a few minutes, I blinked and took a general look at my candle trying to encompass the whole background surrounding it and suddenly the door came at me moving with all different colored lines in a vertically surrounding it.

At this time I was just amazed and anything I would look at would slowly morph and change shape just slightly. So, I lied down perfectly on my bed and looked at my ceiling and all the glow in the dark stars and clusters on my ceiling were spinning in all different directions and some stars were getting brighter and others dimmer. Focusing more revealed a sort of depth where the bigger stars were more prominent upfront and the smaller stars seemed to move into the ceiling and the smallest ones behind them giving a strange space like impression. I’m now in this relaxed, euphoric state where all my perceptions and sensations are at full throttle. The longer I looked at the stars the more I noticed specific shapes form, mostly faces or animals. I attributed this entirely to acid because when looking at the stars in the mirror reflection of the ceiling revealed a clear and vivid replica of an alien in motion, however, my cousin could not see it. No matter how hard I tried to explain and even draw the picture on paper he just could not put the stars together in such a pattern that it formed an alien. Yet, my girlfriend who also took a tab with me had no trouble seeing the alien and was freighted of its sight but gradually calmed down. It was weird because when looking at the stars directly I saw space and things moving around in space but in the mirror’s reflection I saw an alien in a running motion.

Now, I decided to just explore and look at different things around the room and let the psy-trance flow through me. Everywhere I looked things moved, patterns formed and mostly faces were appearing where non existed. The music become very intense. It was extremely clear, vivid and alive, it was controlling what I saw and for the first time I actually heard Psychedelic trance the way it was designed to be heard. Every sound was alive and my body was absorbing it like a sponge. Some songs became extremely powerful and deep that I actually found my fist closing and tensing. My cousin later said I was resisting an outward body experience but I can’t really describe it, however, it was not very pleasant and I after a few minutes I gave up resisting and just lied there letting the dissonant, consonant and all types of sound engulf me.

My cousin eventually took some white paper which glowed extremely bright under the two 48 inch black lights and performed a rave which can only be described as beautiful. The hands followed together like a continuous uninterrupted movement creating beautiful shapes that just was a pleasure to see and seemed to just go in harmony with the music. I was now very used to the acid and its affects on me and was enjoying myself listening to the music and looking at reality take on a new metamorphosis. I should add that not only my visual perception of objects changed but when I closed my eyes I was met with bright colors and shapes all moving around in various rhythms and shifting designs. Also, time seemed to slow down a lot. I felt it was morning again and the sun was coming up, yet it was only around 1am.

I could probably write another 2-3 pages on everything I saw and felt but I’m getting tired and want to keep it short. Acid from my experience is the greatest drug available. It has put me in touch with music in a way I never could have imagined or come to without taking it. It opened the door for understanding abstract art and focusing on detail. I can now understand the millions of users who have tried acid, friends, singers, actors, writers etc… I hope this account of my personal experience shed some light on what you can expect from yours. Have a safe and pleasant trip! =)

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33279
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 18, 2007Views: 7,439
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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