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Good and Bad
Citation:   Micah. "Good and Bad: An Experience with DHEA (exp33330)". Oct 21, 2006.

100 mg oral DHEA (daily)
After reading about DHEA for a while I decided to try it. I noticed an increase in concentration ability within an hour or two, and was initially very impressed with the results. By the second day, I noticed my body temperature had gone up a small amount.

The third day the concentration effects had gone away, only to be replaced with a nagging headache. Nothing bad, I could ignore it, but it was very annoying. This usually signifies a bad reaction of some sort. I tried several combinations of vitamin/mineral supplements to see if the headache was caused by some deficiency, with no result.

After 1 week, I stopped the use of DHEA as I only noticed marginal results, and plenty of side effects. Within a couple of days, the side effects listed below have disappeared.

Pros: Increased mental clarity (marginal)
Increased stamina/strength to some degree.

Cons: Headache
Poor sleep quality resulting in being continually tired.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33330
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 21, 2006Views: 19,984
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DHEA (171) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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