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Citation:   Stine. "Next: An Experience with 2C-E (exp33339)". Erowid.org. Aug 26, 2004. erowid.org/exp/33339

  oral 2C-E (capsule)
Julie and I started drinking around 4:00 in the afternoon to kick off the first party of the summer. We had been blazing blunts since early that afternoon and by 11:00 p.m., we were basically drunk. It was around this time that Julie’s friend Steve informed us that he had a pocket full of capsules of 2C-E and that if we wanted to trip, he would give us each a capsule for free. Although I had successfully experimented with mushrooms (on more than one occasion), this would become my first experience with this 2C-E. Since I had been drinking and knew that my inhibitions had decreased, I suggested that Julie and I split a pill. She wanted a whole one and Steve suggested that I also take an entire capsule. I brought my dose (which amount remains unknown, 15 mg maybe?) into the kitchen and attempted to cut the gelcap in half, but my drunken attempt failed. I sliced off only a small portion of the gelcap, barely affecting the amount I consumed.

I had no idea what I was in for, I expected this harmless looking pill to effect me the way a muscle relaxer might. About a half hour later, I noticed that my trip had started. While showing two girls to the bathroom at the party, I very easily made conversation with some people whom I did not know. Things that were “funny” were absolutely hilarious and I had “the laugh”. I hadn’t laughed that hard since my very first time doing shrooms. Recognizing this similarity provided me with some insight as to how the rest of the night might proceed.

I returned to the backyard to join the large party around midnight. I still had intense fits of laughter throughout the conversations I held with people. The introduction to this trip was more gradual than any other. I suddenly felt energized, but was easily frightened by the loud drunk people who had no idea (or sympathy for) what I was experiencing. All I wanted was to be in the company of people who were on the same drug as me.

Less than an hour later, I found Julie in her bedroom, curled up on her bed with friend Ryan and her dog. I entered quietly and joined them on the bed. I explained to them my desire to be in the presence of other people who were tripping that night. I had been “a little tormented” by people outside and desperately wanted to chill and ride this trip out smoothly. I noticed that Julie’s eyes were puffy and I explained that I experienced a similar, rocky start to this trip. Tears fell down my face, but I knew I’d be fine once I relaxed for a short while. The three of us laid in bed and I could have fallen asleep, just to escape the confusion that was brought on by the frantic occurrences of the party. Pictures on the wall had so much life. One photo of a forest was so vivid that the trees pictures in it were swaying along to the wind. Cartoon posters on the wall became contorted and it was hard to define the outline of one object from another.

I felt Ryan start to rub my leg (and proceed to my inner thigh...). Not sure how to respond, I laid still and tried to find my perspective on the situation; I couldn’t. Ryan was doing the same to Julie, and her display of content encouraged me to feel the same. The pleasure that 2C-E started to provide me with was different than what I felt from the interaction between Ryan, Julie and I. I didn’t like how the two sensations mixed, they’re two different topics of exploration that originate in completely different planes. I decided that this trip was something that I was meant to experience to the fullest. I told Ryan and Julie that I was all set and I wanted to leave to go trip.

Upon exiting the bedroom (2 a.m. now), I was startled to see how empty the house had become. This caused me to feel unstable. Fearing that everyone had left, I reached for the phone (which felt like liquid in my 'boneless' hands) and called a friend who had eaten some shrooms earlier that night (at the same party). Luckily, he was sitting in his car in the front yard with two other trippers. I felt so comfortable once I climbed into the car. It was the first confirmation that the night was OK, I’d be alright, and I can let go and trip now. Because of the lack of a comfortable setting, I had been reluctant to acknowledge the fact that I was far gone and tried to hold myself back from falling into that journey. I listened to Radiohead (very supportive), and the philosophical conversations that were being exchanged between the three guys I was with. This was the most comfortable place I found myself in all night. The four of us were tripping and chain smoking cigarettes. I could feel all fear and hope escaping from my body in unison. I felt unworthy of this now-wonderful experience; it was cleansing and violating all at once. I rapidly switched from liberating feelings of rejuvenation to the sensation that I was hanging by my fingers, on the edge of a cliff. I began crying again (for a short amount of time) and was unable to attribute it to either intense fear or extreme happiness. While I felt an uplifting sense of unconditional wisdom, I also felt very sensitive. Eli began to play a song, freestyle, on his guitar. The tune was slow and the lyrics depressing, This initiated more tears for reasons I could not explain.

By 4 a.m., I could feel so much beauty being secreted from the moon and the sky (which glowed a gorgeous purple, orange and electrifying blue). Eli then told me that these were the exact colors of the Leo moon, which we happened to be in on that night. These visuals provided such an optimistic outlook and encouraged me to forget (or even, completely disregard) any displeasures or negativity in my life. At 4:20 the four of us smoked a joint. This was very soothing and aided in a more mellow trip. Although I was more calm, I was still tripping, curious to know when I’d be straight again.

Around 5 a.m., My brain started to feel tired. While the conversations were still energetic, I suggested that we all go pass out. My body was not as tired as my brain, but sleep sounded like such a good idea. That doesn’t usually happen until the end of a trip. This realization guided me to a place of serenity that confirmed I had just experienced something amazing ( yet scary at times) and it was over and OK to go to sleep now. I woke up at 9 a.m. feeling disoriented yet refreshed. For the next 24 hours, I continued to feel the detachment that transcends from the consumption of psychoactive drugs.

My experience with 2C-E can best be described as a bipolar mushroom trip in pill form. My experience showed shocking similarities to my very first mushroom trip (which, if you experiment with mushrooms, you know what I mean). I felt so free and liberated, yet so scared and vulnerable. While some common trips alternate these feelings hour by hour (or so), my experience contained opposing emotions that alternated on a minute to minute basis. As with any drug that makes you do anything close to “trip,” I strongly suggest, more than ever, that it gets consumed in the company of CLOSE and TRUSTWORTHY friends. The variation of my mood while tripping can largely be attributed to the shaky start I experienced. I agree with anyone who’s ever stated, “Although it was not fun, I plan on exploring this drug another time.” I may try it again, as long as I’m in the company of friends I know I can relax with.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33339
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 26, 2004Views: 10,650
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2C-E (137) : Various (28), General (1)

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