Multi-coloured Clouds
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   Sir Stella Belly. "Multi-coloured Clouds: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp33410)". Jul 18, 2013.

12 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (plant material)
Last year (2003) myself and three friends decided to give San Pedro a try. We blended 6' each of the raw cacti (which tasted disgusting as mentioned in every previous report) and had a very mild trip.

Not satisfied with this experience we decided to try Mr Pedro another attempt on Good Friday 2004. This time we consumed 48' between the four of us. To prepare we peeled the outer skin and removed the juicy layer belowa and sliced it into strips, then we chopped up the woody core. We boiled the core and the outer skin for 4 hours in water and lemon juice. Whilst we sliced the middle layer and baked on low heat for three and a half hours. After which the cacti had virtually dryed. We then combined the dry baked cacti with the strained juice from the boiling pot and blended with lemon and ginger (reduces sickness). This reduced the overall quanity to about 4-5 mouthfuls which is bearable, but contains all the mescaline goodness you need.
To make juice even more bearable we put mixed it into a strong flavoured jelly (rasberry,left it to set and consumed without any taste at all. No problem in getting down the dreaded slime.

Then we headed off into the countryside, the effects were fantastic, the highlight of the trip was lying down staring into the sky which became illuminated with every colour imaginable, every cloud had tinges of the spectrum around the edges, one friend described his feeling of being blasted into space at warp speed, as he described his feeling every one else went on his inter galactic journey with him. The amazing thing was we were in total control,to stop the ride, all we had to do was sit up and take a deep breath and normality was returned. (well kind off).

The whole trip felt fantastic phyiscally and mentally, it was a refreshment from everyday stresses of life, that we all need from time to time. Just lying in the sun , watching the multi coloured clouds and listening to the birds singing was an experience never to forget. Our group all live in built up areas of England, and just regular 20 year olds, that discovered how beautiful the natural world can be.

In the evening we all went back to my house and listened to a selection of chill out/ psychadelic CD's and studied various pieces of art work. We found Daniel B Holeman's work to be incredible. His pictures became alive, the colours in the pictures became alive and appeared to moved, change, swirl and blend. We discussed the meaning behind each picture in depth and were amazing at how a picture on a piece of paper could do so much. We finished the trip by watching 'Outhere' which is collection of strange movie clips which we found very funny.

I believe San Pedro can only be taken outside in a pleasent, peaceful environment, where you can relax and just watch nature and have a laugh with friends. As daft as that sounds, after taking San Pedro I would truely appreciate nature and all things natural, whilst under the effects.


Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33410
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 18, 2013Views: 3,350
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Various (28), Nature / Outdoors (23), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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