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The Never Ending Cycle
Citation:   Anonymous. "The Never Ending Cycle: An Experience with 2C-E (exp33414)". Jan 12, 2007.

20 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
I am somewhat experienced with psychadelics, as I have done LSD, LSA, Salvia, ecstacy, and mushrooms a number of times. I was expecting to recieve the 2c-i that I had ordered first, but instead I checked the mail and was surprised to see that my 2c-e had arrived. I had purchased gelcaps and a scale that weighed to 10 mg (a bad decision, because I didn't even have calibration weights so the scale ended up not working properly). I ended up having to eyeball about 15-20 mg, but in the end I think it turned out to be around 25 mg due to the intensity of the trip. My boyfriend, C and I dosed at about 8 pm. (Also note that i dosed on an empty stomach, while C had eaten some food about an hour before hand).

About an hour after dosing, I started to feel the effects. I looked at my hand and saw a reddish pattern appear and my skin seemed to form different layers beneath the surface. I knew that I was starting to trip and began to laugh. Soon after, C also started feeling the effects and was giggling along with me.

Right after I started to trip, I began to feel nauseous and realized that I had to vomit or else the feeling might not subside. I kept trying to make myself vomit, and it took about 10 minutes before I actually could. After purging 2-3 times, I started to feel physically better, but my mental state continued on a downward spiral. All of the visuals kept getting more and more intense, and I felt like it was definitely the peak and that it could not get any more intense, but then it would. Every second seemed to outdo the previous one.

Though it kept getting more intense, It would also come in waves, each cycle lasting about 10-20 seconds. I would feel like I was tripping very hard, and then feel practically sober. I kept swaying between being able to comprehend reality and not even remembering if I was human or not. Everything I looked at pulsated and melted, everything on the tv looked watery and melty, and it was hard to understand any of the voices on the show. I would go between not being able to hear anything on tv, to only being able to hear what the characters were saying, and that would affect my mood. It felt like I had taken about 5 hits of acid and a huge bag of mushrooms, along with another element that I had never felt in either of those drugs.

I started to get stuck in a cycle, and while this has happened before while tripping, it has never been this controlling and intense. I could not stop the cycle, no matter what I thought about. I tried to think about feelings and people that I loved and all I felt was my energy being used and distributed into the galaxy and then coming back into me. Every time I tried to get somewhere new or feel something new, I would end up where I started seconds ago. I felt like I understood this secret, that all of existance was hidden from, and if I revealed it to everyone, they would find no more reason to exist. If I could convey this message clearly, anyone could understand what I was feeling and they would feel the same way. Of course this could not be true, because I suppose my senses were just too aware of everything that was going on. Every little sound, movement, color, stuck out like never before.

I was stuck in this cycle for the majority of the trip, and would only escape for moments at a time. I believe my boyfriend understood where I was coming from, but I don't think that his trip had as much of a morbid feel to it as mine did. We went upstairs at one point to lye down because we felt very cold. So we covered up and turned on a fight and shut off the lights. At this point I was still tripping hard, and with the lights off I felt like we were lying on a blanket of nothing in outer space, like we were tiny ants in a huge galaxy, and when we talked, it echoed greatly. There was a small green light(from the smoke detector) and it quickly duplicated so that dozens of stars appeared all around. Though it was an interesting sight and feeling, I quickly felt like we were all alone in the galaxy, and I wanted to escape. So we turned the lights back on.

Probably one thing that helped calm me the most was when we took out some glow stick bracelets and cracked them. It was amazing to see the bright color spread around and mix with the darker parts. We played with those for a while and my mood started to lift.

My boyfriend fell asleep easily, but I was having trouble because I was still tripping and I have insomnia anyway. So I woke him up and he helped me find some tylenol pm. So I took two and fell asleep within an hour. (dosing was at 8 pm, fell asleep about 6 am).

Also Note: the trip might have been more intense for me than an average person because I have recently started taking Paxil CR for anxiety. Since I started taking it, I have had mind racing thoughts both during the day and especially at night. This may have accelerated the 2c-e into something more than what it actually was. At certain points it felt like my mind was going to explode because the flood of thoughts that were seeping in. I also felt a great amount of speediness during most of this drug, with a lot of twitching and jitteriness. And it was not that fun, but I would like to try it again to see if I can strengthen my mental capacity and possibly overcome this cycle that I get stuck in. I would recommend having some yoga/meditating techniques at hand to help calm you down, and perhaps have some activities to help release the tension you might feel (painting/writing might help). This is VERY intense, so be careful.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33414
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 12, 2007Views: 6,655
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2C-E (137) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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