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I Felt Myself Rising
by Jess
Citation:   Jess. "I Felt Myself Rising: An Experience with MDMA (exp33495)". Dec 14, 2017.

1 tablet oral MDMA
Although Its been more than 2 years since my first real experience with MDMA, I can remember everything as if it happened only 20 minutes ago.

A friend of mine (I'll call her W) had dabbled in X for awhile, and I'd tried quarter and half pills before at the local clubs and gotten nothing more than some interesting goosebumps. She calls me up on day to inform me of a BIG party going down in a big city a few hours away. It was about a week before the actual party went down, so I had time to save some cash. We went up there not exactly PLANNING on rolling.

About 20 minutes into the party, about 12:30 am, M comes up to W and I and asks if we want some rolls. Of course, we say yes and he comes back with 2 pills. I take mine at about 1 am.

I started feeling it quick. I met a guy and girl that had come from out of state and they were the most awesome people I met there. I didn't realise I was actually rolling until he gave me a friendly see-ya-later peck on the lips. My lips started tingling and I got a massive rush of warmth. It was the most accepting, loving, feeling I've ever felt. Everyone I saw had the most wonderful qualities about them. I ran around dancing and meeting all kinds of new people.

I lost track of time by now, I remember being at the back of the crowd after having my first hit of a vicks inhaler. Paul Oakenfold had just come on stage and everyone was going nuts. Everyone had their hands up, and it was like a sea of cray colored glowsticks in front of me. The DJ brough the music up gradually, and when the intensity hit its peak, he dropped it hard. Everyone started dancing harder and everything was great! I just looked out over all the hands and glowsticks and I saw the lasers coming down over everyone and I knew that this was where I was meant to be at that time. I was in heaven. I looked down beside me and there was a guy hunched over, kinda swaying back and forth. I put my hand on his back and asked if he was ok and just looked at me and grinned, said he was feeling the music and then he gave me a hug, and went back to dancing... It was pure ecstacy.

Sometime around 5 am I believe, I walked out into the concession area for a water and the sudden brightness signalled the beginning of my crash. It was a slow come down, but I could feel it. The party ended at about 6 am I think, and I was still dancing in the parking lot. I've never felt to so refreshed and clean in all my life. I still keep in touch with some of the people I met there. I've made wonderful, lifelong friends, and I don't think I'd be NEARLY as happy and open if I hadn't done it.

The day after was a bit upsetting. I didn't know how to handle all the new feelings I had, but I was able to call up a couple of people who had done it many times before and they helped me through it all.

My experiences with MDMA over the last couple of years have been nothing but pleasant. I found it helpful to do it in the company of an experienced roller.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 33495
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 14, 2017Views: 987
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MDMA (3) : Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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