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Mildly Sedating
Heimia salicifolia
by Maas
Citation:   Maas. "Mildly Sedating: An Experience with Heimia salicifolia (exp33587)". Oct 28, 2006.

10 g oral Heimia salicifolia (tea)
I first became interested in Sinicuichi when I read about it being used in conjunction with mescaline. It sounded like interesting stuff, so I ordered 2 ounces of it from an internet supplier of botanical curiosities. It arrived - long green leaves with a pleasant smell.

I researched various methods of ingesting the plant, and decided to make a tea out of approximately 10 grams of leaves. I put 5 grams of leaves into 2 mason jars and filled both jars to the top with boiling water. I then set them outside to sit in the sun for around a day and a half.

I drank the bitter brown liquid quickly. The first effects were apparent in around 10 minutes - I felt a feeling of calm, almost to the point of being sedated. I also felt a bit queasy, a feeling that would stay with me for some time. No other effects were noticeable for the duration of the trip.

In all, sinicuichi didn't do much for me, but I highly suspect that the tea that I made was weaker than it should have been. It was not unpalatable.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33587
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2006Views: 13,151
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