In Darkness Battling With Our Minds
Citation:   Iscariot's drummer. "In Darkness Battling With Our Minds: An Experience with Ketamine (exp33975)". Aug 14, 2018.

  oral Ketamine (powder / crystals)
A Trip with Lady K

METHOD OF INGESTION: Wrapping a small amount in rolling paper and taking with water.

Taken at about 1900 just before dinner, the full affects of what we knew we had taken were not apparent until quite some time. Initially, me and my fellow triphead friend suspected the worst and so proceeded to smoke ourselves beyond stupid and stumble about the streets in a stoned state.

Before long, we noticed we were not as stoned as we might have suspected and began talking of what was on our minds. The night was getting late and we kept mentionning the subtlety of certain emotions we were recieving until WHAM. We found ourselves rocking from left to right as the street we were standing upon became a great ship at sea during a chaotic storm. The ground rocked with an agression we could only have playfully found fun while waves soared metres high above our heads and neither of us knew from whose head this chaos came. Both of us sympathised with each other's difficulty to describe the feelings we recieved aside from the major trips, but we did manage to relate some words that decribed each others feelings, we felt that our minds were 'bubbly' and our feet felt 'bouncy' but not much else could be deciphered from the subtle but strange mind-set we had placed upon ourselves at this surreal time of night.

After an hour or so in almost complete darkness battling with our minds, we decided it was getting late. We tried to sober up our mind states to return home but with only partial success. We were downhearted the trip had began so late and we had things to do the next day. It felt like it should have been an all day thing, but that will have to be for next time I thought as my mind danced dizzily upon the verge of sleep, slumber and slavery to sweet Lady K.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33975
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 14, 2018Views: 680
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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