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Extremely Sexualized High
Citation:   Delysid Dream. "Extremely Sexualized High: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp3404)". Mar 4, 2001.

6 nuts oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
Continuing my experimentation with household spices, I took an oral dose of 6 nuts, grated into slivers with a normal knife (same method of preparation as my nutmeg-smoking venture) and took it orally by the method of taking 'shots' of it, followed by long gulps of various liquids (I tried milk, orange juice, and water -- all of them were fairly satisfactory). The problem was 'backlog' of small slivers of nutmeg getting into the liquid I was washing it down with -- which made it fairly disgusting, but much better in the whole than any other method of ingestion I had taken.

I settled down to watching some television (a Nature Channel programme about sharks, and then one about lions) -- when the lions chased an animal
or made a kill, or slept in the shade, or anything else, I felt as if I was *PART* of the scene. I then retired to bed. When I closed my eyes, I had fairly vivid, although non-concrete, closed eyed visuals, which would persist for some time after I opened my eyes.

Sometime during this venture, I fell asleep, and had very vivid dreams. Waking up, I felt very disoriented, and walked like I was very, very drunk. I sat down, and felt a wave of sexual excitement come over me. I masturbated, along with a mental fantasy which was lived out in my body (I felt tactile sensations in other parts of my body). I intend to try intercourse on nutmeg, with my partner also under the influence (consensually, of course!) sometime soon. Nutmeg, apparently, can be strong sexual enhancer. Notify Pfizer at once!

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3404
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2001Views: 20,304
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Nutmeg (41) : General (1), Sex Discussion (14), Alone (16)

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