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Euphoria My Ass
by Ant
Citation:   Ant. "Euphoria My Ass: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp34154)". May 5, 2007.

600 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
Before summer of 2003, I started to experiment with drugs. I had been smoking cigarettes since I was 8, and at this time I was 13. I started with weed and then I progressed to harder drugs.

I had just heard about DXM in september 03. I wanted to find other easy to obtain OTC psychoactives, and my friend had told me about benadryl and that it had a hallucinogen called diphenhydramine. He told me about the effects. I asked him if it was euphoric and he said 'very'. I was very into euphoric drugs so I decided to try it. It was a friday and my parents were at a local motorcycle gathering that took place every friday night. I walked to the nearest gas station and bought a box of benadryl. when I got home, I popped them out of the casings and I downed them all. All 24.

It was about two hours later and I noticed that movement made a feeling that resonated through my whole body. I started whaling my arms about and it created a shock-like tingle through my arms. I was also very alert. a slight abnormal, sudden noise and I nearly shit my pants. I had to go to the bathroom and when I was on the toilet, I noticed my legs were a little shaky. I stared at myself in the mirror. my mouth agape, my eyes dilated, my face flushed and pale. The walls obtained a weird look. They didnt look different, they just felt strange. Vein-like lines appeared on the walls and started twitching. I was a little freaked out.

The phone rang. the caller ID showed it was My mom. Oh crap, oh crap, should I answer the phone?? I answered the phone with a shaky voice. apparently she didn't notice. she asked me if I wanted something to eat and i said 'yes'. About an hour later I heard the bikes roll in. 'Fuck FUCK!! I'm going to get caught! I'll pretend I'm asleep. They walked in and I was lieing on the couch. 'Anthony? oh well someone gets an extra hamburger'. I felt my heart pounding fast and I thought 'my heart's pounding so fast they'll see my shirt shaking and they'll know somethings wrong'.

When they ate, I went to my room. I felt so exhausted and scared, not only am I at extreme risk of getting caught, this trip is starting to turn into a wreck. I was watching my sisters dark room across the hall and I saw a transparent figure, almost resembling a dog. It was playing with bed sheets, just like a dog would. I then lied down on my bed trying to go to sleep. I suddenly had 'thoughts' about my family being hung in the living room with theyre faces all beat up, ripped up, torn off, bloody and distorted. I didn't TRY to think of that, I just had weird sudden thoughts about it. I also saw an arm lieing near my face. It didn't scare me, I just looked at it. And it wasn't my arm.

I couldnt go to sleep. I felt so scared and alone. I felt as if people, even my own family, were waiting in the walls about to kill me if I peered my head to the other side of the bed. I finally fell asleep and I woke up about 1:00 a.m. I went down stairs and saw my dad in his chair. He vanished. I realised a little later that I just had a hallucination. I lied down on the couch again, now looking toward the kitchen. I couldn't see it but for some reason I thought my dad was trying to hide from me on the other side of the kitchen wall.

I felt like hell so I turned on the t.v. It made me feel a little better but I still felt like I was in a haunted house and a haunted body. I saw my fan twitch and that freaked me out. I saw my mantle above the fire place wave and that was a little odd. I saw those vein-like things on the wall again and they twitched. I thought to myself 'why cant this just be over. Its got to wear off sometime'. The thought that its just any other drug and that it had to wear off sometime comforted me a little. I woke up about 9:00 in the morning. It was over. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were still dilated. I tried to hide my eyes from my parents durring the whole day. I still felt a little fatigued but the overall intoxication had worn off.

I thought to my self, 'euphoria my ass. I aint doing this crap again'. I later found out it has been categorized as a deleriogen. If you have connections to, or are offered deleriogens such as diphenhydramine or dimenhydrinate, I urge you, for your own safety against suicide and insanity, DON'T DO IT.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34154
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 5, 2007Views: 26,656
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Diphenhydramine (109) : General (1), Bad Trips (6), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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