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Quickly Disintegrated
Citation:   scooby. "Quickly Disintegrated: An Experience with DPT (exp34225)". Jun 9, 2004.

T+ 0:00
20 mg IV DPT (liquid)
  T+ 3:00 20 mg IV DPT (liquid)
I injected 20 mg DPT intravenously. At 5 seconds I could taste a metallic substance and felt a tingle in my feet. At 10 seconds I was launched into a +3.5 state of consciousness. My body immediately felt alive with electricity. With eyes open, everything I saw was moving around in swirls. I could tell what everything was and where I was, but it was all liquid and turbulent. When I closed my eyes, everything disintegrated. I could see the world inside blow apart into dust and the dust swirling away in tornadoes. Faces appeared, but unrecognizable and melting away as if being burned like a wax figure. This state lasted about 20 minutes when I smoothly came down to a 3.0.

This was stronger a 3.0 than I've experienced with lsd or psilocybin but the body load was neglible. After about an hour the expereince was basically over, with almost no after effects. Repeated same dose in 3 hours with same results. Overall very intense, but the short duration made it tolerable and even rewarding. If you try this be ready. Get your setting in order and start music beforehand. Make sure will not have to deal with ANYTHING. This experience would totally freak out a novice or unstable personality.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34225
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 9, 2004Views: 9,104
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DPT (21) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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