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Near Death Experience
5-MeO-DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   DumbLuck. "Near Death Experience: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT & Cannabis (exp34271)". Aug 23, 2004.

  smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis  
My first experience with 5-Methoxy-DiMethylTryptamine was a truly profound and worthwhile one. I am a 17 year old male in good health with a fairly large drug history. I decided to make sure my first experience with the drug was in a comfortable setting to get the most out of the experience. I waited till I had a few hours alone in my house to try it just in case I made any noise during the trip (in retrospect I realize that it was stupid and irresponsible of me to do this powerful of a drug alone without the use of a scale for the first time... but more on that later). I had read up quite a bit on this substance but what I read turned out to be nothing like my experience. I put on a low light, lit some incense and loaded an unknown amount (STUPID!) of 5MD onto some marijuana ash in my bong. I took a few minutes to clear my head and prepare for an intense experience. When I finally felt ready I lit a lighter about an inch above the bowl piece and inhaled just enough to vaporize the chemical. When there was no more chemical residue in the bowl I cleared the bong and layed back on my bed.

About four seconds after I cleared the bong I was feeling it so intensly that I instinctually exhaled, a futile attempt at slowing the onset. Remember how I said it was stupid to eyeball a first dose of 5MD? Well, I realized right after exhaling what a dumbshit I had been, and immediately grew terrified as my vision began to cloud over with dots and stars and god knows what other shapes/colors. I instantly curled up into the fetal position and began wishing for it to stop. I remember knowing that I was going to die... not thinking, knowing. I didn't think about how or why I was going to die from the 5MD, I just knew that death was imminent. As my memory of the begining of the experience is rather sparse, I will spare you all the fuzzy, mostly self conjured memories of exactly what happened. After what was about ten minutes I began to regain control of my senses, and realized I was in fact, not going to die. The next twenty or thirty minutes I was completely ecstatic to be alive and felt completely content with myself. I showed all the symptoms of a Near Death Experience.

To this day (T+ 6 months) I still treasure that experience and am very thankful to have been able to put myself in that position. The obvious stupidity of the experiment (no sitter, no scale) is what made it such an important experience. Had I known that I was smoking exactly 15 mgs or however much it was, I would not have thought I was gonna die and thus would have missed out on what seems to be a classic case of a NDE. The lack of a sitter also helped because I probably muttered something about dying during the early part of the experience, and a sitter might have pursued medical attention for me. So, in closing, I realize that I took a huge risk in not taking proper precautions for this drug. In my case however, the risk paid off enormously. This experience was one of my all time favorites (out of many). The nose-dive approach I took to the drug is what brought the awesome NDE about. To this day I have done 5MD many more times and it remains one of my favorites. This near death experince is the only thing like it I have ever experienced, and it changed me forever for the better.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34271
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 23, 2004Views: 12,039
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Mystical Experiences (9), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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