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One Night in Las Vegas
Citation:   Purple Darren. "One Night in Las Vegas: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp34359)". Jul 22, 2004.

25 mg oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
    oral Alcohol  
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
This experience occurred just last Saturday night while I was out with a group of friends celebrating my girlfriends birthday. During the evening before the 2c-t-2 was consumed a small amout of speed and several alcoholic drinks were also consumed, but I'm pretty sure that this had no real effect on the 2c-t-2. Also, this did not take place in Las Vegas! I wish, i'm down south near Melbourne, Australia...

I purchased 500mgs of '99%pure' 2c-t-2 powder and did as best as I could using some electronic scales to measure out 20 x 25mg seperate amounts and put the powder into capsules for ingestion. I took one 25mg cap only during this occasion and it was ingested at about 12:30am, just before we went out to the clubs. While at a club, i consumed one more alcoholic drink and that was it for the rest of the night for all over drugs.
I pretty much just sat around on a couch for the next hour, having a few smokes and chatting with friends. After about t1.5hrs i could notice more brilliance and intensity in the club lighting and atmosphere, this is where I knew something was beginning to happen. I didn't at all feel sick like others have and was surprised at my good feeling of health.

Not long after t2.0 I noticed all the club lighting colours had become much more vivid and distinctive. I got up and walked around and notice I was a little clumsy, I couldn't walk perfectly straight and seemed to have a need to rotate in a right-hand direction like i had been spinning around in one direction then tried to walk a straight line. There wasn't any feeling of dizziness and I could stop my movements if i so choosed to but it was kinda fun and exciting to experience this feeling. I continued to chat and socialise and by t3 i was really seeing some amazing light distortions. The club had quite a bit of haze/smoke and I was seeing all through the air like the refraction of sun through a crystal and a star filter effect. It's kinda hard to explain in simple terms. There were patterns on the walls, roof and floor that swayed and moved in small motions like ripples on water, very random and interesting. There didn't seem to be any distortions to the music, just the body and visuals.

I was getting rushes like MDMA but with a much more clear head, no head fuck. My body experienced different body loads or experience. My mood also changed from feeling really relaxed and a little sleepy to quite excited and energised to move about. It felt sometime like a passing experience of Ketamine to speed to mdma all with crazy light distortions. My hands and muscles also tensed up at a few occasions but it was a feeling that I could control or stop if I chose to but I kinda didn't want to, it wasn't bad at all thou. I went outside the club and walked down the street to say goodbye to some friends at about 4am. Outside it was very cold but I didn't feel the cold and wasn't wearing a jacket. The street lights sent out many beams again like looking through a star filter and I was seeing other colours like the light was diffracting. There was also these random spike of light coming from the road and the ground, kinda like there was glass on the ground and light was reflecting of it and bouncing back into the sky like little lights.

In a nearby park there was this eary bright green glow from the grass like a space ship was flying around or something crazy like that, shadows also moved about like they would if you moved the light source from the object, make sense.

Anyway, this continued on, we left the club at about 5am i was getting sick of the ciggarette smoke in the air and was getting a stiff neck, basically needed to go somewhere more relaxing and calmer. We went to hang out at a mates record store and looked though tunes while chatting and playing some quiet tracks. The record label and text looked 3D and kinda stood out off the cased, the walls still moved about slightly and some carpet shadows danced around. We left there about 6:30am and went home. When I was in the car on the way home, it seemed like we where speeding but we were not. The street lights still looked defracted and eariey. All effects pretty much wore of by about 10am and I could no longer stay awake at 11:30am at which point after dozing on the couch for a little while, I went to bed and slept fine for 6 hours. I then got up, had a nice hot shower, had a feed cause I was sooo hungry and felt absolutely fine. No after MDMA scatteredness, it was a great feeling of well being and calmness. That sunday night I went out again and just got on the alcohol, it was another good night.

Overall i would rate this experience highly and am looking forward to doing it again sometime, hopefully with someone else on the same level as what I was. Beware that 2C-T-2 is a GI tract irritant and will cause some people to feel sick, I was lucky. I wouldn't start off by taking 25mgs either, more like 10, it gets you introduced to the new experience and sensations. Take care and play safe :)

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34359
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 22, 2004Views: 10,388
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2C-T-2 (53) : General (1), Club / Bar (25)

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