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Reality Surfaces from Beneath the Veil
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   gEo_tehaD. "Reality Surfaces from Beneath the Veil: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp34381)". Dec 13, 2007.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
Salvia Divinorum was my first (and only thus far) experience with a psychedelic substance. Numerous attempts made by friends and I to obtain such substances have all failed miserably in the past, so we were forced to settle for more marijuana. Having been through the salvia trip, I am glad that our early cravings to have a first trip were not satisfied. I believe that frequent use of marijuana is the only thing that saved me from having a truly bad trip with Salvia.

I first met lady Salvia in the woods. A lucky friend of mine (lets call him Pedro for the sake of anonymity) had been lucky enough to procure some 10x Salvia extract. Pedro led me through the woods to a spot with a small log. I was disappointed to hear that my trip would take place here. The log was only a few inches in diameter, so sitting on it brought my knees uncomfortably close to my chest, and I had to hold myself upright. I told Pedro that the spot sucked, and demanded that he find me another. He refused.

'Fuck it then' I said. I took the coke can pipe from him. The lady was spread on top of it, beckoning to be smoked. I flicked the lighter and inhaled what would be equal to a casual hit of Marijuana. 'That wont do anything man, you have to take a bigger hit than that' Pedro said. I tried to fit a little more smoke into my lungs, then let it out quickly. Upon seeing this, Pedro told me that I had let out the smoke too quickly. . . That I wouldn't feel anything unless I took another hit right away. I told him to fuck off, as I could already feel the effects of the Salvia playing with my brain.

I made Pedro take the can from me so I would not drop it. At first I felt the same way I did with my first use of Marijuana. I felt like everything, including myself, was expanding. I have no memory of anything that occurred for about 10 minutes after this. When I became 'conscious' again, I had no memory of taking a drug. In fact, I had no memory of any previous existence. I was looking away from Pedro, so his presence was also completely forgotten. I was alone, in a place where only I existed. A tree branch (though I didn't understand that it was a tree branch in this state) was piercing my throat and holding my mouth open. It was extremely difficult to breathe. In order to do so, I had to breathe in a certain pattern. This was very frightening, but what really threw me into the fear was the feeling that this was the way things truly were. Even though I felt as though this was reality, and had been so all along, I was truly understanding it now. The feeling was terrible, but I could do nothing. This simply was existence, what could I possibly do?

Eventually, I moved. I turned my head slightly, and I was fairly sure I knew where I was. 'We're in the WOODS, aren't we?!' I said. I began to laugh hysterically. Nothing was the least bit humorous. It was extremely hard to move my body. To talk, as with breathing, I had to speak in patterns. I decided I must tell Pedro about what had just happened. Though I don't remember exactly what I said, it was similar to this:

'Holy shit man I just went to another world with a branch through my throat and it felt like I was so scared, I was alone the only person can't breathe right, what I just said had nothing to do with what I just said, did it?'

At that point, I gave up on communication. I was still very afraid, and couldn't make my body respond to my commands well. This condition made it a very inopportune time for Pedro to inform me it was time to leave. Walking sounded incredibly difficult, and it was. I stumbled after Pedro until he stopped, turned, and said 'bye!'. He then ran away from me. I knew he was fucking with me, but being alone in the woods like this was not something I wanted. I walked in circles while I waited for him to come back.

Then I heard a shout. I walked quickly but carefully towards the sound to find Pedro hopping on one foot. The jackass had stepped on a nail. I followed as he limped out of the woods. I was very fearful again. In my state of mind, I believed Pedro would need medical attention, and that we would be caught for sure. By the time we reached Pedro's house my fear had subsided. I felt very relaxed and happy, but for the most part I was sober. I knew the salvia was still affecting me though when I could not follow Pedro's voice. I would call out to ask where he was, and I could hear his answer clearly, yet I could not tell where it came from. I stayed at his house awhile to sober up, then drove home and smoked a very large volume of weed.

Though the experience was terrifying, I can't wait to meet Salvia again. I am agnostic - I don't claim anything as truth, but I believe salvia can open one's mind to possible truths of existence.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34381
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 13, 2007Views: 4,486
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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